Friday, December 20, 2013

18 Weeks Baby #2

I am WAY bigger this pregnancy than last.  However, I have had the same weight gain (and started at the same weight) and so I weigh basically exactly the same as I did at 18 weeks with Zuri.  However, I don't look even anything remotely the same.  How is that possible?

I still feel really normal and frequently forget that I am pregnant, until I remember that I have a huge belly.  My workouts have been going well and everything has felt great.  No headaches this week, so that was great news.  I also got a massage last week, probably my last one while laying on my stomach, which is sad.

18 weeks info:
Days pregnant: 130
Days till due date: 150
Baby size: 5.6 inches and 6.7oz (sweet potato)
Baby info: Bones are hardening, baby can probably hear sounds now
Kicks: Maybe a few, but not hard enough to feel with my hand
Days till next doctor appt: 3!  Which includes our ultrasound!

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