Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

It seems like it happened overnight!  Zuri is now a GREAT sitter!  Still no sign of crawling, probably because she screams like a crazy girl when I put her on her stomach.

 Demonstrating to her friends, Stella and Polar, what a great sitter she can be!

Something you should never do, leave your child SITTING UNATTENDED on the changing table!  (don't worry, I didn't actually leave her unattended!).

We leave for Oregon tomorrow and are gone for 5 days and 4 nights.  Then we are home for two days, one of which she has her 6 month checkup, then gone again 4 days and 3 nights to Chicago.  We will see how it goes.  My little girl has not been napping very well (has she ever really napped well?), so hoping she does better on the road and plane!

6 months
I would guess she weighs close to or a little over 16 lbs right now.

Playing with her Lion in the pack and play (likes the other animals but the lion is her favorite)
Eating fruits (banana, pear and apple)
Still loving the dogs!
Sitting in the grass (playing with the grass)
Swimming pools (not at first, but after the cold water shock wears off).
Scout, the dog, that makes music and has lights
Giraffe where you put the ball in its mouth and it goes around a track and comes out on a side
BOOKS!  She loves when I read to her, she usually tries to talk over me the whole time!

NAPS! (listening to her cry for 45 minutes right now for her morning nap).
Being hot
Sometimes she doesn't like her green beans (although my mom says it is because I leave them cold).
Rolling over and getting stuck on her stomach at night.
Did I mention Naps?  Pretty sure this one is her LEAST FAVORITE activity!

Wish us luck for our trips!

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