Long time without updating again. I have been busy working and training. I have officially begun Half Ironman training. I am training for a race in Orlando in May. Training for a half seems like a walk in the park compared to the training for a full. However, winter training makes this the worse training ever.
For instance, yesterday because of the cold and wind I had to spend an hour on the treadmill. Then today I had 2 hours on the bike and because I chose to do this ride at night during the Bronco game (which was horrible) I then had to do a short speed run inside. Since, I do not have a tred at home I decided to run the stairs for 20 minutes. Stella and Polar enjoyed this because they could run up and down with me and then at the most in opportune time they would stop right in the middle of the stairs.
Training is going well. I have created my own training plan so we will see how my next race turns out!
Pedro had an adventure, while he was on a "ride-along" with a department a car had rolled over and he had to basically pull the door off to get the driver out of the car. His muscles were put to good use :)
For Christmas we went to Kurt and Dena's house and had 25 some people at their house. Pedro got some of the best presents from my brother, which were ALL New England Patriot related! Too bad both of our teams are out of the playoffs now!
Besides that we have been working and working out. Nothing new there!