The wedding was very nice, but our honeymoon was amazing. Tahiti was awesome! Probably the best part was being upgraded to the Presidential Suite, which was bigger than our house. Thanks to everyone that contributed to our wonderful wedding and honeymoon.

Since the wedding and honeymoon, there hasn't been anything of great interest. We have gone to the mountains to see the leaves change, rode the motorcycle during the leaves changing (yes, we took two trips because it stayed nice out for so long!). We went to the Nuggets game and had passes to go and meet some of the players. Pedro really had a fun time meeting a few of the players and getting some autographs. Last week we went to see the Denver Zoo Lights, which was quite fun too.
The bad news was that Pedro totaled his car :( However, after going back and forth with two dealerships I got us a GREAT deal on his new car a Hyundai Tucson. Then my car last week had a bracket break and we had to have it towed to a shop and it is currently getting fixed. Nobody knows how the bracket broke.
Today is Christmas and Pedro is at work. He had to work last night for Christmas Eve too and will work tomorrow night as well. However, he has New Years off. He bought me an amazing present, even though I told him I didn't need a present after all the car "drama". And no, I wasn't just saying that I didn't need a present while secretly wanting one. Ok, well everyone secretly wants presents, but I really didn't expect one at all!
Kory and Karen also had their baby, Ashby:
Here is Grey's present from Santa, Pedro was a bit jealous!