On Weds the 28th, we had a huge snowstorm here. We had about about a foot a snow at our house. After shoveling the driveway he decided he wanted to build a snowman. He said he had never built one before. I was not too excited to build one, however. So, he built a snowman and I got him a carrot for the nose but we don't have any trees or anything so I wasn't sure what we could use as the arms. Pedro told me that he would figure it out and since I was cold to go wait inside and he would tell me when it was done.
I went inside and got the camera for a picture of his first snowman. He came inside and told me to come out but to close my eyes because he had done such an awesome job. I usually don't close my eyes, I cheat, but he was soo excited I decided to keep them closed. I am glad I did.
He had me stand in front of the snowman and he said hold on...and then he told me to open my eyes and this is what I saw:
The ring was on the snowman's "hand". Of course I said yes!
The next question is when is the wedding?? We are thinking in August.
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