Zuri and I have had an interesting week. First off, in my last post I forgot to say that she has been in her size 1 diapers for about 2 weeks now. Which I thought looked huge, but they are way better, less explosions! The last few days she has officially transitioned into fitting better in the 3 month clothes (not a lot of 0-3 month clothes, so those would be good too). She is still skinny so the tops are a bit loose but the length on them is much better.
She continues to talk to me and enjoys when I stick my tongue out at her. This seems to make her smile and I have even gotten a few squeals. She also enjoys me doing the itsy bitsy spider, while she is laying on the changing table.
With her evenings being pretty fussy, I have now begun putting her to bed at 8:30. This is pretty nice because it gives me (or if Pedro is off, us) a bit of time alone without her. She is pretty high maintenance! I have been putting her to bed when she is still partially awake. This way I am not rocking her to sleep. Sometimes she wakes up a few times and I go in and give her the pacifier and she goes back to sleep. I then wake her up (quietly wake her) around 10:00 if that is when I am ready for bed, to eat again before bed. With our fingers crossed, I put her down and she will sleep until about 4:00 or so. Which then means she will sleep for about 3-4 more hours after. The other night, however, she woke up at 2:00, which I knew was a bad sign because it was followed by a 6:00am wake up! Which I was NOT ready for! But then on my birthday, she slept until 5:15! Then got up around 8:15.
She has also been doing a better job (not great) or relaxing. Meaning I have had her sit with me for about 10 minutes without starting to cry. Yes, sadly this is a record! She does not like just sitting with me and watching tv, or doing anything else. I have also gotten her to take a few naps this week. Two of them in the swing. I have done this by feeding her when she is even a little fussy, not feeding her to sleep, but I decided to see if it was hunger causing the problem. So, if she won't go to sleep in her chair and she is being pretty fussy, I see if she wants to eat again and then try again. This has seemed to work. Naps have allowed me to get some things done, including eating without a child attached to me and biking.
Yesterday, we went shopping for Zuri at a consignment sale. She got a lot of clothes! We needed some 3 month clothing, but also now that we can guess she is just ahead or nearly on track for sizes, we could estimate what we would need for the summer (6 month clothing, a few 6-9 month stuff). It was great to be able to buy clothes for cheap! Then we went to the mall to exchange the size of shoes Pedro had bought me for my birthday. I didn't want her sleeping all day so we put her in the baby bjorn and faced her out and Pedro walked with her. She enjoyed it very much!
Today Zuri had her first trip to the zoo!! Karen, Grey, Ashby and Zuri and I went for a short bit this morning. It was a great day, near 70 degrees! She started in her stroller which only lasted about 20 minutes. Usually she loves her stroller, but today she was grumpy. So, I took her out and put her in the baby bjorn, I had to face her towards me because she doesn't like the sun in her eyes (I think she likes facing out better). Where she screamed for a bit. Then I got her to go to sleep. Then she woke up and screamed some more...this went on for the whole time we are at the zoo. Then on the drive home, she pretty much screamed the whole way home. So, it was not a joyous first trip to the zoo. When Grey was asked what animals he saw at the zoo today, he said "Penguins, Monkeys and Baby Zuri!"

We go to the doctor this Thursday for her two month checkup, I will be curious how she is growing!
Her new bow :)

Grey comforting Zuri! He LOVES "Baby Zuri!"