Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Aviela is 11 Months Old!
I feel like I start every Avi post with what a happy baby she is and this one is no different. She is really just a happy kid. She does have more of a feisty personality now when she wants something or if you take something away from her that she wants, but she recovers really quickly.
We have all had a lot of colds lately and she is no different. She has had one, off and on, for weeks now. Hopefully, her immunity is getting strong.
She still has two teeth, but a third one (top left) should be coming through any minute. Waiting for some more hair to come in too! What hair she does have is definitely curly!
Avi now knows how to clap and blow kisses. Which is a lot of fun. We haven't spent a lot of time trying to teach her these things then one day I decided we would and of course she didn't do it when I asked. Then with both things, Pedro asked her to do it and she miraculously did them! Pretty funny! She also gives kisses. She will lay her head on me with her mouth open and say "mmmmm" and pull her head back quickly and do it over and over.
She eats pretty much any food that we have or that I think she might like. She doesn't love cheese like her sister does, but she does LOVE FRUIT. Pretty sure she would eat just fruit if I let her. She likes to eat pancakes, waffles and eggs for breakfast, little biscuits with ground meat for lunch, and frozen veggies. Dinner time we struggle as she is not as hungry. She loves to drink from her sippy cup and still drinks from a bottle but is starting to only drink a few ounces before she is done with that. I wouldn't be concerned but I feel like she has not gained a lot of weight, which seems to be our issue on and off with her. With her sicknesses and just dislike for eating we struggle in this area. I assume this will be a life long problem, like her cousin Ashby. But as long as they are acting fine and growing I guess we will just have to figure it out.
Avi crawls very fast now and uses her "walker" items to walk on her knees. She seems interested in standing but really never takes an opportunity to do it, so maybe she isn't! She seems really far from walking since she doesn't even like to walk while holding hands or anything else.
Avi loves Zuri and gets really excited to see her when she is waiting for her after school. Zuri loves Avi but definitely will find things a lot more fun when Avi can walk and chase after her!
Avi Stats:
Height: No idea!
Weight: Guessing about 18lbs
Clothing size: 12 months
Chewing on the blanket
Sophie giraffe
Crocodile that you bang on and it makes noise
Crawling around
Play Table
Stuffed Animals
Playing with her sister
Bouncing up and down in jumper, on knees, in your lap everywhere
Bath time
Dogs toys and bowl
Sister taking things from her or hitting her
Dogs jumping on her
Sitting still! Hence all the fuzzy pictures.
Mom handing her off to people--but she recovers very quickly
Cheese? Possibly
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Zurianna, Zurianna...what to say about my 3 year old. That she is a "threenager" most definitely. That she LOVES to be on the go and do something all the time? Most definitely. She is definitely in the phase of "let me do it myself" only to be quickly followed by frustration or excitement that she has actually done something.
I let her pick out her clothes with some guidance, start the bath water, help add bubbles, choose tv shows and snacks and even meals for school. She will not go for whatever I pick so it's best to just guide the process as best I can.
We are currently enrolled in our second session of swim lessons and she loves them. She was a little scared to do some of the stuff to start but then she "practiced" jumping into the water and "practiced" putting her face in the water. I love that she did these on her own. When she is scared of things I make her watch videos of the things so that she see's that it is fine and nothing to be scared of. We watched a lot of videos of kids jumping into the pool and so now she asks to see more. But she has made a great improvement this last month, mostly due to her wanting to do things, not so much because of our class which is only marginal.
"Avi" bought her some swim goggles and today she even brought those to show and tell.
We have had some issues with naps, as in she doesn't take them at all. And other issues where she falls asleep right before her "bunny" alarm goes off (bunny alarm shows a sleeping bunny and an awake bunny, so now she knows when she can get up..love this!) and then I have to wake her so she doesn't sleep until bed time. Which always leads to a cranky kid, unless it means she can "go somewhere".
Zuri loves our new puppies and still asks about Stella. She loves to play outside and run around and play with the "neighborhood". She is definitely high energy.
She loves Avi but then shoves her or hits her, probably will be that way forever, but hopefully not!
She had a lot of fun Easter egg hunting!
Some fun pictures of Zuri!
R.I.P Stella
On March 20th, 2015 Stella went to go play with Polar.
In February Stella started acting lethargic and had trouble walking. I felt her neck and she had large lymphnodes. We brought her to the vet and the vet said she could just have an infection or lymphoma and put her on prednisone. Stella made a quick turnaround and I was thinking it was just an infection. However, the last week in March they diagnosed her with Lymphoma. We were devastated.
Stella has been such an amazing dog. She had just turned 10 years old. I tried to give her as many treats and take her on as many walks as we could. They warned me it would be a quick turnaround when the lymphoma took back over and it was. She literally went from playing to unable to walk in a mere day. I knew she was suffering but that didn't make it any less painful.
I could go on for days about Stella as she has been with me for so long. But it is too sad to even write about.
Stella not feeling well...But I loved how she always sat!
Zuri giving Stella a kiss goodbye....
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