Week four has brought a more happy Zurianna. She hasn't been as fussy as she has been. I know this can change at any moment, but I will take what I can get. Having a normal baby, in terms of fussiness seems really easy now. This last week I have felt like it was way easier than what I was dealing with before. Our nights have gone pretty good. Last night she slept for 5.5 hours and then 3 hours between feeding times, so sleep time is different depending on how long she eats and how long it takes me to make sure she is asleep before putting her back to bed. The night before was not as good, but she has been sleeping longer intervals at night, which is very nice. The only downside is that in the morning at about 700am she is pretty much up for the day. Usually after the early morning feed, she will lay back down, but then she wakes up about an hour later. Lately, she has laid in her cradle talking to herself for a good 30-45 minutes before she wants me to get her.
She has also been smiling a lot this week. In general she has just seemed a lot happier. Now, don't get me wrong she has the crying moments, like all babies. But they haven't been ALL day (knock on wood). Today she was in a good mood so I wanted to go to the store, I put her in her carseat and she immediately started crying. I don't know why, since she loves the car! But she cried for about 15 minutes before she fell asleep in the car. I had to drive squares around the grocery store because I didn't want to be that person that bring in a crying baby. It's one thing if she starts crying while I am in the store, but bringing IN a crying baby, might be a bit much.
She still does not enjoy her bath. She SCREAMS so loud. I'm sure someone is going to call child services on me, it sounds like I am hurting her! I keep telling her that someday she will be mad because if she is anything like her parents, she will love to shower and we will have to limit her shower time!
On a funny note, people ask me what I call her, if I have a cute nickname for her. Totally cracks me up when I see the face of the people when I tell them I call her "Dragon." They think it is going to be some sweet little girl nickname. Nope, DRAGON. I explain about her fussiness, but she also makes A LOT of noise when she sleeps. She growls, grunts and makes so many noises that frequently I am not sure if she is awake or asleep.
She definitely doesn't look like a newborn anymore. She has longer amounts of time when she is awake and longer stretches of sleep at night. If I were to guess, she weighs about 9 lbs now and she is so long that she has grown out of some of her pants and some tops/onesies are too short now. She has moved up to 0-3 month pajamas the newborn ones were so short she couldn't extend her legs completely. She wears the zipper pajamas because it makes it easy for me to change her at night.
This weekend has gone pretty well. It is my long weekend of being a single parent because Pedro works Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Which means that I really haven't seen him because I have lessons that I have to do and he goes and works out and then is home for a bit before he goes back to work. Monday he sleeps in until the afternoon and since we go to bed (or start trying to go to bed) at about 900, it makes for another short day for him to see Zuri.
Zuri also went to her first basketball lesson with me, I didn't have a sitter and Pedro worked so she came with me. She was very good and slept the whole time. I read once that whatever noises she hears when you are pregnant will not disturb her when she is an infant and that has definitely been the case. She doesn't even move when she is asleep at basketball games and people are yelling! The other first was that Zuri started wearing shoes this week. She wore some white boots, pink sneakers and a pair of knitted boots that one of my friends Melissa gave us (along with a cute hat).
Trying to catch her smiling :)
Love the shoes!

A few baptism pictures:
With the Godparents:
With Zuri's Great Grandma Topper (Funny that we call her Topper after a dog that she had a long time ago! Dog lovers!)
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