We have had a very unhappy sick baby! This was pretty much her look the ENTIRE day on Sunday. Saturday she was starting to be fussy. I thought maybe a tooth was coming in again. Sunday morning she was super fussy so I gave her some motrin. Then she was still fussy and wouldn't eat, so I started wondering if she was sick. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and she was on FIRE! I took her temperature and it was 101.8, 25 minutes after the motrin. UGH! Of course the day she is really sick, I have to go to games a majority of the day. So, I gave her a bottle and rocked her and she fell asleep quickly in my arms (very abnormal) and only drank a few ounces. I laid her down and left for my games. Luckily, she slept for nearly 3 hours. She woke in a bit better mood, but still had a fever of about 100. Then she started getting a strange rash on her butt. It is like pinpricks all over. I rotated motrin and tylenol the rest of the day and the fever stayed around 100. Then I gave her a bath and she started shivering. I laid her down at bedtime and she woke two hours later, dripping sweat. I thought maybe her fever had broken. She woke again at 2:15am and she was flushed and very hot. I gave her more medicine and she slept until morning.
Monday she woke up and was very fussy still. Her fever had gone down but she was still very unhappy. She would take a bite of food and then start crying and not eat anymore. I knew her throat must hurt. Then her rash was getting worse! So, I decided a trip to the doctor was needed.
The nurse and the doctor both immediately were thinking strep. I didn't know you could have a rash with strep. They said the only strange thing is that her fever had dissipated. Her quick tests were negative, but they said if it wasn't strep it was something they would treat the same way. So, they gave me antibiotics and an ointment for her rash. They told me to give her cold foods and soft foods. Well, she won't let me feed her from a spoon and she doesn't seem to want to take a pouch either. So, she had her first popsicle (sugar free).
Today, Tuesday, she woke crying and I went in and she took her 5oz that she had leftover from her bottle. She finished that and started crying. I made 4oz more and she drank that, then proceeded to cry and push me away for about 25 minutes. I finally calmed her down and she is watching a Baby Einstein video. Hoping she will start feeling better and look more like this baby!
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