Wednesday, March 19, 2014

29, 30 and 31 Weeks with Baby A (aka #2)

I have a comparison picture with the first pregnancy, but it is actually quite embarrassing how HUGE I am now!  Again, I swear I have gained almost the exact same weight, but my belly is WAY different this time, so I will spare the shirtless baby bump picture this time!  Not only is it huge out, but it is also wider.  It's pretty scary that I have two more months left with how big I already am!  I think I look about 3 weeks bigger than I did the first time.

31 Weeks and 3 days

30 weeks with Zuri

29 almost 30 weeks in Mexico!

Everything has been going pretty well.  I was having really bad heartburn in Mexico, but since being home it has been a bit better.  Sadly, I can't drink lemonade or any citrus drink without getting heartburn so I have had to eliminate that for the time being.  My stomach muscle still hurts after standing most of the day, kind of like it is being pulled.  Which obviously it is, odd that I didn't have it the first time around.

Working out has been going fine.  Stairmaster is definitely getting more difficult.  I guess I could always lower the level, but that would seem like giving up!  So, instead I just have to take a few more water breaks.  I have been tired in the afternoons, but that is nothing unusual.

Our schedule has been pretty busy with selling our house.  My calendar is a tornado of events coming up between the appraisal, packing things up, moving stuff to a POD, finding stuff for Baby A, figuring out what I might need while we are living in a temporary situation (no idea how long that will be!).  Besides doing stuff for moving, my basketball stuff has just gotten super busy with summer planning.  Then we have to do all the stuff for Baby A.  Including touring two different hospitals since we will be living right in the middle of the two, making a list of things that I need for the baby and trying to organize and buy things we might need.  Although we have another girl, there are still quite a few things that I need (and some things that I just want!!).  Trying to figure out how we will do with a stroller will also be interesting, since we don't have a double stroller and Zuri still rides in the stroller when we go and do things-like going to the park.  We have a wagon, but a dual stroller would be really nice to have.

Last time I had Zuri's room mostly ready to go.  This time we have NOTHING ready to go.  If anything we have a negative amount done since we are planning to be moving soon, assuming everything goes through!  It doesn't mean that I spend any less time thinking about this baby, I probably think more about her because she moves so much!  Way more than Zuri ever did.

I know this baby will have to spend a lot more time doing things out and about because her big sister will still need her fun times.  Zuri is extremely attached to me and so I'm a bit worried about Zuri's transition into having to share my time with someone else.  I know it will all work out, but I am hoping it is easier than what I am imagining!  But Zuri surprises me sometimes!

Baby info:
Days pregnant: 219
Day's till due date: 61!!
Baby length: 16.25-18 Inches
Baby weight: 3.3 lbs
Baby:  Gaining more weight this week and fat is filling out the skin (her's and mine! haha)
Day's till next doctors appointment: 7
Day's till hospital tour: 7 and 14

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