Training has begun again for the second time this year. This is for the Boulder half ironman in August. Which will be followed by my full ironman in Panama City Beach, Nov 7th.
Recovery went well. My quads were really sore for a few days and it was probably from pedaling so much on the flats for the bike. Today I completed my long run of 12 miles. Pedro ran 7 miles with me, so we will see how he feels tomorrow!
Tomorrow I will go and pick up Shamu. It is weird being without him for so long! I know you may think I am a weirdo, but when you workout nearly everyday with someone and then you don't have them for a whole week...well, it is annoying having to go to the gym to ride a spin bike.
Currently, Pedro has decided he is going to start training with me to hopefully do a tri. I am leaning towards him doing a half with me, maybe even Orlando again next year. We will see how much time and energy he has for this type of training. Also, how he will handle the loss of some strength because your body is working so hard aerobically. Besides, not having enough time on work days to lift and do aerobic activities, or at least not at the level either need to be to build significantly...which will lead him to make a choice. Hopefully, he will enjoy it and want to continue some training with me!
I think the big difference of training with him vs. other people is that we don't feel the need to "chit chat". Most people you bike or run with want to talk. It's not that I mind talking some of the time..but on a long run and bike I don't want to talk the whole time!
Travel and tournaments start soon for me, which begins the busy basketball time of the year. Along with busy training time. This year having 3 or 4 teams in local tournaments and 2 summer traveling teams, it is a lot more crazy.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Race Day!
I had a hard time falling asleep again before the race. Not because I was nervous, I know I had trained and at that point there is nothing I could do to become more prepared. The time change was just not helpful. I figured it didn't really matter because once you start racing it's not like you are tired.
I woke up at 5am and headed downstairs to the cafe to fill up my water bottle with powerade (which was kind of free, since I had paid $12 for a refillable mug at the beginning of my stay). And to get some hot water for my oatmeal that I packed from home. I had oatmeal with honey and a banana for breakfast. I woke Pedro up and we headed down to the race start.
We were pushing the time since transition closed at 6:15am, though I didn't start until 7:00am. I like not having to sit around so it worked well for me.

We went down to watch some of the other waves start. It was a beach start which is different than anything I have ever done.

I headed down to the water and waited for the start. The water was very warm and I tried to find someone to draft off. It was funny though because it seemed the person I was following kept moving a bit so I couldn't draft. Then I got punched in the face and then overtook some slower swimmers in waves in front of me. I understand how frustrating it can be for a real fast swimmer because slow people get in the way!

Swim finish, you can see me in the back with the purple cap on. I swam in 39min. It was my first non-wetsuit swim, so I didn't have any real expectations. But I wanted to swim a bit faster.

Then a long run to my bike. It was really a long run to transition, through grass and wood chips. Not optimal for putting on socks and shoes. As I came into transition a volunteer handed me a bottle of gatorade, which I needed for the bike so I wouldn't have to stop at an aid station. However, this bottle still had the plastic on the top and the plastic under the cap. Which took me a few minutes to get off when you are trying to hurry..I eventually asked a volunteer to take it off for me while I was changing into my bike gear. I had to wash off my feet with a bottle of water I had and balance to put my socks and shoes on so not to get any more dirt on my feet. I also couldn't find my bike for a second because I am not use to so many bikes being on the rack when I return from the swim, since I am slower than most, most people are already gone!
Here I am leaving transition 4 min later.
The bike was a relatively flat bike with just a few hills. I have decided I like the hills better because I can actually pass people on the hills. With the flat race everyone rode about the same speed. The wind was not as bad as Colorado wind, but it was windy. I thought it would be great for the run to have the wind so I didn't mind it on the bike.
Each bike course is different and you can't compare times from one to the other. But this presented it's own challenges being flat. You had to pedal, pedal, pedal. It was easy to get lulled into a slower speed, you had to focus on keeping up your speed.
I biked in 2hrs and 40min. I was hoping for somewhere between 2hrs and 30min and 2hrs and 45min. So, all in all it was what I expected.
I left for the three loop run. Not knowing if I would like this many loops or not. Pedro found a great place, which was at the start of each loop. Here I am heading out on lap 1.

My legs were feeling great and I was feeling good. Until I quickly realized the breeze I thought would be there, was not. It was hot and humid. People were already walking and it was, what I assumed their first lap. The run had 4 aid stations on each lap. This was good and bad. The first was placed at the beginning of the first lap, another before a run on the grass/dirt, another close to the second and the third seemed to be placed a lot further away and another right before a run in the shade. The problem was about a 3 mile stretch on the dirt/grass. It was hot and humid. On the first lap about the midway point on this stretch I got dizzy. Real dizzy. I had drank a lot on the bike and was carrying my bottle with me so I was a bit concerned. I was picturing passing out because of the heat. I was wondering how long it might take someone to run to the next aid station and let them know. It was funny because there were cones and I swear they were moving!
At the beginning of the second loop I passed Pedro and he told me to "run faster" I could only respond with, it's hot!

I then had a great idea of putting a whole cup of ice down my shirt! This actually seemed to help significantly. I wasn't as dizzy and now I at least knew I needed to take cold sponges and ice at each aid station, especially before the long break between stations. Lap two was going well, near the end I was a bit tired, but not bad.
Loop three, I am excited to be almost done (I am holding up 3 fingers for lap 3)!

Loop three, people were walking so much. I don't think I have ever seen so many walkers. The problem was we were running on this dirt and so there was two worn sides on the dirt. Walkers were walking on both sides. You would have to weave in and out of the people. Besides, when so many people are walking, it makes you kind of want to walk yourself! I kept saying, you walk once, it's twice as easy to walk again and so on and so forth. I wasn't tired at all, leg wise...just HOT. I figured walking wouldn't make the heat any better so the quicker I got done the better! I took a flat ice cube out of my shirt and placed it under my hat and I swear it lasted for 3 miles or more, I was thinking of the candles that lasted the Jewish people 8 days...I have no idea how the ice lasted that long pressed against my forehead under my visor! It would drip down my face and it was great.
I ran in 2 hrs, which was a 9:15 pace. I was obviously hoping for a faster pace, but it was still 16th in my age group for the run. I was definitely not acclimated to the heat and humidity! Having a 3 loop run was actually not so bad at all, it made each lap quite manageable.
I finished in 5hrs and 29min. I placed 16th in my age (out of 94) and 567 out of 2,667 people overall. It was better, but of course I always want to do better!
After the race, we took the boat back to our hotel and I took a quick shower, since we were already suppose to be out of the hotel! Then we headed to the airport for our flight home. We ate at Chili's(which seems to be my post race choice) at the airport and then went to the gate for our flight.
It was a long day! But overall a good one. My quads are sore today, but everything else is pretty good!
Then we got on our flight and headed back to Colorado.
I woke up at 5am and headed downstairs to the cafe to fill up my water bottle with powerade (which was kind of free, since I had paid $12 for a refillable mug at the beginning of my stay). And to get some hot water for my oatmeal that I packed from home. I had oatmeal with honey and a banana for breakfast. I woke Pedro up and we headed down to the race start.
We were pushing the time since transition closed at 6:15am, though I didn't start until 7:00am. I like not having to sit around so it worked well for me.
We went down to watch some of the other waves start. It was a beach start which is different than anything I have ever done.
I headed down to the water and waited for the start. The water was very warm and I tried to find someone to draft off. It was funny though because it seemed the person I was following kept moving a bit so I couldn't draft. Then I got punched in the face and then overtook some slower swimmers in waves in front of me. I understand how frustrating it can be for a real fast swimmer because slow people get in the way!
Swim finish, you can see me in the back with the purple cap on. I swam in 39min. It was my first non-wetsuit swim, so I didn't have any real expectations. But I wanted to swim a bit faster.
Then a long run to my bike. It was really a long run to transition, through grass and wood chips. Not optimal for putting on socks and shoes. As I came into transition a volunteer handed me a bottle of gatorade, which I needed for the bike so I wouldn't have to stop at an aid station. However, this bottle still had the plastic on the top and the plastic under the cap. Which took me a few minutes to get off when you are trying to hurry..I eventually asked a volunteer to take it off for me while I was changing into my bike gear. I had to wash off my feet with a bottle of water I had and balance to put my socks and shoes on so not to get any more dirt on my feet. I also couldn't find my bike for a second because I am not use to so many bikes being on the rack when I return from the swim, since I am slower than most, most people are already gone!
Here I am leaving transition 4 min later.
The bike was a relatively flat bike with just a few hills. I have decided I like the hills better because I can actually pass people on the hills. With the flat race everyone rode about the same speed. The wind was not as bad as Colorado wind, but it was windy. I thought it would be great for the run to have the wind so I didn't mind it on the bike.
Each bike course is different and you can't compare times from one to the other. But this presented it's own challenges being flat. You had to pedal, pedal, pedal. It was easy to get lulled into a slower speed, you had to focus on keeping up your speed.
I biked in 2hrs and 40min. I was hoping for somewhere between 2hrs and 30min and 2hrs and 45min. So, all in all it was what I expected.
I left for the three loop run. Not knowing if I would like this many loops or not. Pedro found a great place, which was at the start of each loop. Here I am heading out on lap 1.
My legs were feeling great and I was feeling good. Until I quickly realized the breeze I thought would be there, was not. It was hot and humid. People were already walking and it was, what I assumed their first lap. The run had 4 aid stations on each lap. This was good and bad. The first was placed at the beginning of the first lap, another before a run on the grass/dirt, another close to the second and the third seemed to be placed a lot further away and another right before a run in the shade. The problem was about a 3 mile stretch on the dirt/grass. It was hot and humid. On the first lap about the midway point on this stretch I got dizzy. Real dizzy. I had drank a lot on the bike and was carrying my bottle with me so I was a bit concerned. I was picturing passing out because of the heat. I was wondering how long it might take someone to run to the next aid station and let them know. It was funny because there were cones and I swear they were moving!
At the beginning of the second loop I passed Pedro and he told me to "run faster" I could only respond with, it's hot!
I then had a great idea of putting a whole cup of ice down my shirt! This actually seemed to help significantly. I wasn't as dizzy and now I at least knew I needed to take cold sponges and ice at each aid station, especially before the long break between stations. Lap two was going well, near the end I was a bit tired, but not bad.
Loop three, I am excited to be almost done (I am holding up 3 fingers for lap 3)!
Loop three, people were walking so much. I don't think I have ever seen so many walkers. The problem was we were running on this dirt and so there was two worn sides on the dirt. Walkers were walking on both sides. You would have to weave in and out of the people. Besides, when so many people are walking, it makes you kind of want to walk yourself! I kept saying, you walk once, it's twice as easy to walk again and so on and so forth. I wasn't tired at all, leg wise...just HOT. I figured walking wouldn't make the heat any better so the quicker I got done the better! I took a flat ice cube out of my shirt and placed it under my hat and I swear it lasted for 3 miles or more, I was thinking of the candles that lasted the Jewish people 8 days...I have no idea how the ice lasted that long pressed against my forehead under my visor! It would drip down my face and it was great.
I ran in 2 hrs, which was a 9:15 pace. I was obviously hoping for a faster pace, but it was still 16th in my age group for the run. I was definitely not acclimated to the heat and humidity! Having a 3 loop run was actually not so bad at all, it made each lap quite manageable.
I finished in 5hrs and 29min. I placed 16th in my age (out of 94) and 567 out of 2,667 people overall. It was better, but of course I always want to do better!
After the race, we took the boat back to our hotel and I took a quick shower, since we were already suppose to be out of the hotel! Then we headed to the airport for our flight home. We ate at Chili's(which seems to be my post race choice) at the airport and then went to the gate for our flight.
It was a long day! But overall a good one. My quads are sore today, but everything else is pretty good!
Then we got on our flight and headed back to Colorado.
More Hotel Picts.. before race.
Generally, I don't do much before my race. However, Pedro was excited to be in Orlando so we decided to go to Magic Kingdom. I had already done everything I needed for the race, registered, picked up and dropped off bike in transition, so there was nothing left to do but wait. A funny part of the day was the transport people for my bike thought it was hilarious I would name my bike Shamu, since it is a gigantic whale. I explained that compared to most racers I am similar to Shamu!
Here we are at bike check-in, before we left for Magic Kingdom.

Anyway, I bargained with Pedro that if we went to Magic Kingdom he had to follow it with a calf massage!
We took the boat over to Magic Kingdom and had some great views of our hotel:

I also forgot a hat so I had to use my shirt for a hat...

I also forgot sunscreen, so I had to find someone in the park and ask to use their sunscreen. I did find someone who was nice enough to share.
Once we got into the park, we ventured off for a few rides.
They have this new thing at the park where you put your card in and then you come back at a certain time to get on the ride. Which would be great, except you can only have one "wait" at a we swiped our card for a jungle cruise and then realized we couldn't swipe it again until we went on that ride. Which was very annoying. So, we were going to go on this roller coaster ride, that looked like a train. We waited and waited...and then right before we got up front, they train got stuck! So, they had to close the ride. I figured it was better to have the ride closed on us then to be on the ride when it got stuck!

We went on some rides, though my favorite ride Space Mountain was closed until the winter. We tried a race car ride, which was only ok because we couldn't go very fast. If you look closely at this picture you can see me waving in the background.
We played a shooting game where we had to shoot the bad aliens and I won! Pedro was not so pleased! So, we had to take a picture with Buzz Lightyear because it was his ride:
Then a picture with Chip and Dale (I was hoping they wouldn't be confused that I was one of them with my big jaw!)
And some Monkey...since Pedro is Monkey I'm sure he has a name but I can't think of it:.jpg)
Then a great picture with Pluto, where I was pulling his tail and Pedro was suppose to pull his ear, but he wimped out!

Then back to the hotel...
Here we are at bike check-in, before we left for Magic Kingdom.
Anyway, I bargained with Pedro that if we went to Magic Kingdom he had to follow it with a calf massage!
We took the boat over to Magic Kingdom and had some great views of our hotel:
I also forgot a hat so I had to use my shirt for a hat...
I also forgot sunscreen, so I had to find someone in the park and ask to use their sunscreen. I did find someone who was nice enough to share.
Once we got into the park, we ventured off for a few rides.
They have this new thing at the park where you put your card in and then you come back at a certain time to get on the ride. Which would be great, except you can only have one "wait" at a we swiped our card for a jungle cruise and then realized we couldn't swipe it again until we went on that ride. Which was very annoying. So, we were going to go on this roller coaster ride, that looked like a train. We waited and waited...and then right before we got up front, they train got stuck! So, they had to close the ride. I figured it was better to have the ride closed on us then to be on the ride when it got stuck!
We went on some rides, though my favorite ride Space Mountain was closed until the winter. We tried a race car ride, which was only ok because we couldn't go very fast. If you look closely at this picture you can see me waving in the background.
We played a shooting game where we had to shoot the bad aliens and I won! Pedro was not so pleased! So, we had to take a picture with Buzz Lightyear because it was his ride:
Then a picture with Chip and Dale (I was hoping they wouldn't be confused that I was one of them with my big jaw!)
And some Monkey...since Pedro is Monkey I'm sure he has a name but I can't think of it:
Then a great picture with Pluto, where I was pulling his tail and Pedro was suppose to pull his ear, but he wimped out!
Then back to the hotel...
I left for Orlando and spent most of the day Thursday lying around the hotel. The time change was not for the better and I fell asleep early but awoke to find myself up for most of the night. Pedro arrived on Friday and of course, it was not uneventful. He had worked the night before and got to the airport a good 2 hrs early. He decided to check a bag, which was funny since he was going to be there only 2 days. Anyway, he arrived in Orlando on time and his bag did not make the flight. So, he had to sit in the airport for 2 hours to get his bag.
Friday night we decided to head down to Downtown Disney for dinner. We had a good time and I had my pre-race pasta meal at a nice Italian place. Here are a few pictures of the night.
Pedro loved the crackers they had, so he decided to leave with some

Here I am with what I hoped not to find during the swim!

I found what I was suppose to be! A chipmunk!

Pedro looking good as Pluto

Pedro giving everyone a kiss!

Modeling the recovery socks!

Pedro and I waiting for the bus to go back to our hotel
Friday night we decided to head down to Downtown Disney for dinner. We had a good time and I had my pre-race pasta meal at a nice Italian place. Here are a few pictures of the night.
Pedro loved the crackers they had, so he decided to leave with some
Here I am with what I hoped not to find during the swim!
I found what I was suppose to be! A chipmunk!
Pedro looking good as Pluto
Pedro giving everyone a kiss!
Modeling the recovery socks!
Pedro and I waiting for the bus to go back to our hotel
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Race Week!
I am leaving tomorrow for Orlando for my race. The race is Sunday and I am arriving on Thursday to get situated, do the registration stuff, pick up Shamu and maybe even visit a park.
If you would like to follow me at the race (remember for the Colorado people race time begins 2hrs ahead) the race begins somewhere around 7:00am Florida time. Race Fast here. You will look under Race Results 2009 and Athlete Tracker
If the link above does not work, you can check on
I am hoping to be a fast racer! This week I have only done a few workouts. I ran with run club on Monday for 6 miles, took spin class on Tuesday and today I had swim club this morning, where we swam 2,100meters (just over race distance).
Tonight I am going to go and get a massage, go to practice and then make a final check on all my travel stuff and get ready to go. My flight leaves at 8:00am tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
If you would like to follow me at the race (remember for the Colorado people race time begins 2hrs ahead) the race begins somewhere around 7:00am Florida time. Race Fast here. You will look under Race Results 2009 and Athlete Tracker
If the link above does not work, you can check on
I am hoping to be a fast racer! This week I have only done a few workouts. I ran with run club on Monday for 6 miles, took spin class on Tuesday and today I had swim club this morning, where we swam 2,100meters (just over race distance).
Tonight I am going to go and get a massage, go to practice and then make a final check on all my travel stuff and get ready to go. My flight leaves at 8:00am tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
More adventure...
Friday I decided to take part in a bike race. No really, a bike race without my friend Shamu. The funny thing is that this race had more adventure involved in it than any race I have ever been in...what makes it funny is the race was a total distance of 3 miles.
The fun began when Pedro decided we should take his motorcycle up to Ft. Morgan. It had been near 80 degrees on Thursday and of course Friday brought 60 degree temperatures and wind. We left in the afternoon to head up to the police department for the "big" race. It was a race for the police officers in the department. A few had gone out for the ride on Thursday and the rest of them were racing Friday afternoon.
We get to the course, which consisted of a nearly flat country road, that Shamu would have loved. I was so cold from the motorcycle ride that I spent most of my time sitting in the police car while everyone was getting ready to race.
The race was 1.5 miles out and back. It was cold and the winds had to have been at least 25-30mph. The say "go" and I headed out on a borrowed police mtn bike. I think the bike weighed as much as I do. Anyway, we took off with the wind at our backs. I somehow got ahead of Pedro and the next thing I know he zoomed right by me. As he passed a pit bull came running out of a house and started chasing him! I freaked and slowed to a near crawl as Pedro was yelling just keep riding. The dog already had a head start on me and I knew on this bike I was not out running him. I didn't know what to do. I decided after I stopped that I should just go and hope he doesn't get me! I didn't look so I'm not sure what happened but he wasn't still there, but Pedro was very far ahead now.
We got to the turnaround and I told the officer at the end that there was a vicious dog that chased us. He thought I was joking. I stopped and told him about the dog. Then took off after Pedro into the wind. My pace dropped to about 5mph. The officer passed me and parked his car by the vicious dog, which made me feel much better. Then my string on my pants that I was wearing, since it was so cold out, got caught on the chain. I had to stop and untangle myself. Then I realized that my seat had been sliding down (I hadn't tightened it enough) and I was soon riding with the seat all the way down and I'm sure I looked hilarious!
Finally, I caught Pedro and passed him and told him to get behind my wheel. But my size was not big enough to block the wind. I finished a few minutes ahead of Pedro and won the big 3 mile race! With an amazing time of 13 minutes!!! No, seriously 13 minutes and I still won! Including the people who rode the day before when there was very little wind.
Pedro benefited from the wind when we had it at our backs and because I didn't catch the wind as much I made it back faster. It was quite a funny ride, more because of the events that took place. It wasn't about winning..but at least I can now tell Pedro to stop telling me to "suck it up" when it is windy out and I don't want to ride! He was quite tired after the
The fun began when Pedro decided we should take his motorcycle up to Ft. Morgan. It had been near 80 degrees on Thursday and of course Friday brought 60 degree temperatures and wind. We left in the afternoon to head up to the police department for the "big" race. It was a race for the police officers in the department. A few had gone out for the ride on Thursday and the rest of them were racing Friday afternoon.
We get to the course, which consisted of a nearly flat country road, that Shamu would have loved. I was so cold from the motorcycle ride that I spent most of my time sitting in the police car while everyone was getting ready to race.
The race was 1.5 miles out and back. It was cold and the winds had to have been at least 25-30mph. The say "go" and I headed out on a borrowed police mtn bike. I think the bike weighed as much as I do. Anyway, we took off with the wind at our backs. I somehow got ahead of Pedro and the next thing I know he zoomed right by me. As he passed a pit bull came running out of a house and started chasing him! I freaked and slowed to a near crawl as Pedro was yelling just keep riding. The dog already had a head start on me and I knew on this bike I was not out running him. I didn't know what to do. I decided after I stopped that I should just go and hope he doesn't get me! I didn't look so I'm not sure what happened but he wasn't still there, but Pedro was very far ahead now.
We got to the turnaround and I told the officer at the end that there was a vicious dog that chased us. He thought I was joking. I stopped and told him about the dog. Then took off after Pedro into the wind. My pace dropped to about 5mph. The officer passed me and parked his car by the vicious dog, which made me feel much better. Then my string on my pants that I was wearing, since it was so cold out, got caught on the chain. I had to stop and untangle myself. Then I realized that my seat had been sliding down (I hadn't tightened it enough) and I was soon riding with the seat all the way down and I'm sure I looked hilarious!
Finally, I caught Pedro and passed him and told him to get behind my wheel. But my size was not big enough to block the wind. I finished a few minutes ahead of Pedro and won the big 3 mile race! With an amazing time of 13 minutes!!! No, seriously 13 minutes and I still won! Including the people who rode the day before when there was very little wind.
Pedro benefited from the wind when we had it at our backs and because I didn't catch the wind as much I made it back faster. It was quite a funny ride, more because of the events that took place. It wasn't about winning..but at least I can now tell Pedro to stop telling me to "suck it up" when it is windy out and I don't want to ride! He was quite tired after the
Friday, May 8, 2009
Two sayings for today
Confidence almost always preludes success. Think about many times do you hear people say that they would be confident too if they were as successful as someone else. You cannot be successful without confidence. Confidence comes first and success almost always follows.
My other one for today:
In order to achieve, at first you must believe. If you don't believe you can do something, than how can you actually reach the goal?
My other one for today:
In order to achieve, at first you must believe. If you don't believe you can do something, than how can you actually reach the goal?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
If you think it...
I am true believer in whatever you think, transforms into what actually happens. I know there is some book out there that describes many people's experiences with this property. I once heard someone said they always get amazing parking places at the mall because they visualize it or think this will happen. Then when they get to the mall the spot is always open.
For me, and something I try to explain to my players, my whole life has been about believing I can do something, or am better at something than I really am. They tell me all the time "I can't make a shot!" I tell them to picture themselves feeling and thinking they have just made 10 in a row and then shoot...and guess what they almost always make it! My favorite thing to tell my players is that I truly believe that if I were to play the lotto I would win. And if I didn't win, I would be more surprised than if I won. I expect to win. I expect good things. I don't dwell or think about bad things and if they cross my mind, they do exactly that, they cross.
I have even noticed that when I think it will take me a certain amount of time to run or bike somewhere, generally that is exactly how long it takes. Sometimes I try to play tricks on my brain and underestimate (and then believe) that it will take less time to get someplace, just to see if it will. And you know actually ends up taking less time. It is really a remarkable thing.
Which brings me to today.
Today I needed to get my bike ready to send to my race next week. I decided since I would be without Shamu for nearly a week (seems sooo long!) that I wanted to get one short ride in before I sent him off. Prior to leaving the thought ENTERED my mind (didn't cross as quickly as it should have) that I hoped I didn't get a flat tire or fall off my bike. I wanted to send Shamu off in a happy mood. So I went out for a nice 1hr ride in some wind, but near 80 degree temperatures. The ride was going well and I was having a nice ride and I turned the corner, about 6 blocks from my house, when I felt some shaking. I thought this is weird, maybe the road is bumpy. Quickly I realized it was actually a flat tire.
I have biked with Shamu and my tires for nearly 5,000 miles and over 285 hours, or something crazy like that and I have never had this happen. I actually opted to not change my tires, since I need new ones, before the race because they have been so
"supportive" that I didn't want to have new ones for a race.
Anyway, Pedro was at home so I called him (even though I was about 6 blocks from home) and had him come and pick me up. The wheel set has deep rims and we use to swap out the tire to ride on the trainer but had such a hard time we had to stop doing that, because it was so difficult to get the tire on and off. However today we got home and actually quickly changed the tube with one of the two spares that I carry during a race. Then I went to pump up the tire and it wouldn't work. I was getting very frustrated. Finally, we decided we must have done something wrong since Pedro changed it so quickly. We took it off and tried to pump just the spare. It had a hole in it. So, we took my only other spare and put it back together and it worked.
Now, I guess in my mind it was a sign. A sign that in case I need a spare that one was bad and it was better to happen today then when I am at a race. I would have used up my CO2 cartridges during the race and would have been totally confused. But I allowed that thought to be in my mind and I should have gotten it out quicker.
I then packed up Shamu and drove him to Boulder to be dropped off for transport. I first stopped to grab some tubes, gels and gummies for the race to pack on my bike instead of having to carry them with me on the plane.
After telling Shamu to have a safe trip and that I would see him soon!!! I headed out to run hills/stairs in the heat, since I am still hoping to somewhat adapt prior to the race. I ran sets of 6min, 8min, 10min, 4x1min sets. It was a good workout and I am thinking it will help prepare me for the heat...and since if you think it, it will happen, I'm sticking to it!
For me, and something I try to explain to my players, my whole life has been about believing I can do something, or am better at something than I really am. They tell me all the time "I can't make a shot!" I tell them to picture themselves feeling and thinking they have just made 10 in a row and then shoot...and guess what they almost always make it! My favorite thing to tell my players is that I truly believe that if I were to play the lotto I would win. And if I didn't win, I would be more surprised than if I won. I expect to win. I expect good things. I don't dwell or think about bad things and if they cross my mind, they do exactly that, they cross.
I have even noticed that when I think it will take me a certain amount of time to run or bike somewhere, generally that is exactly how long it takes. Sometimes I try to play tricks on my brain and underestimate (and then believe) that it will take less time to get someplace, just to see if it will. And you know actually ends up taking less time. It is really a remarkable thing.
Which brings me to today.
Today I needed to get my bike ready to send to my race next week. I decided since I would be without Shamu for nearly a week (seems sooo long!) that I wanted to get one short ride in before I sent him off. Prior to leaving the thought ENTERED my mind (didn't cross as quickly as it should have) that I hoped I didn't get a flat tire or fall off my bike. I wanted to send Shamu off in a happy mood. So I went out for a nice 1hr ride in some wind, but near 80 degree temperatures. The ride was going well and I was having a nice ride and I turned the corner, about 6 blocks from my house, when I felt some shaking. I thought this is weird, maybe the road is bumpy. Quickly I realized it was actually a flat tire.
I have biked with Shamu and my tires for nearly 5,000 miles and over 285 hours, or something crazy like that and I have never had this happen. I actually opted to not change my tires, since I need new ones, before the race because they have been so
"supportive" that I didn't want to have new ones for a race.
Anyway, Pedro was at home so I called him (even though I was about 6 blocks from home) and had him come and pick me up. The wheel set has deep rims and we use to swap out the tire to ride on the trainer but had such a hard time we had to stop doing that, because it was so difficult to get the tire on and off. However today we got home and actually quickly changed the tube with one of the two spares that I carry during a race. Then I went to pump up the tire and it wouldn't work. I was getting very frustrated. Finally, we decided we must have done something wrong since Pedro changed it so quickly. We took it off and tried to pump just the spare. It had a hole in it. So, we took my only other spare and put it back together and it worked.
Now, I guess in my mind it was a sign. A sign that in case I need a spare that one was bad and it was better to happen today then when I am at a race. I would have used up my CO2 cartridges during the race and would have been totally confused. But I allowed that thought to be in my mind and I should have gotten it out quicker.
I then packed up Shamu and drove him to Boulder to be dropped off for transport. I first stopped to grab some tubes, gels and gummies for the race to pack on my bike instead of having to carry them with me on the plane.
After telling Shamu to have a safe trip and that I would see him soon!!! I headed out to run hills/stairs in the heat, since I am still hoping to somewhat adapt prior to the race. I ran sets of 6min, 8min, 10min, 4x1min sets. It was a good workout and I am thinking it will help prepare me for the heat...and since if you think it, it will happen, I'm sticking to it!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Funny thing. When you "create" your own training program and you are in your taper, you do really start to question your training. To make myself feel a bit better I found this about tapering:
What to Expect During a Taper
In week one of the taper you will start to feel good. The energy system that raises your energy up for peak workouts will still be working but you will be building up some reserves because of the reduced volume of training. The result is that you will start to feel supercharged.
Then during the second week, all systems start to shut down that are normally active during high training. This is what happens when you start to go into hyper-recovery mode. You will begin to feel absolutely terrible. Your legs will feel heavy, you won1t feel motivated, and you will feel like you are losing all of your fitness. This is the worst you will feel. But have faith!
In week three of the taper (this is where I am now), your energy will start to come back up and you will start to feel the spark come back. Remember that this is still not the time to test yourself. That will come in the race just over a week away.
In week four, all of the rest pays off. If you thought week three felt good, this will blow your socks off. You will hardly be able to contain yourself. This is exactly what you want. You are now ready for your best race.
What I would say is that week 2 was definitely difficult. I ran the treadmill relay and my legs were on FIRE. They were so tired! We ran either .5 miles or .25 miles at a 2% incline for 10miles. It really was only about 2.5 miles per person, but each part you ran as fast as you could. Having teammates definitely motivates you to pick up the speed! I jogged on the treadmill next to the "race" one between my intervals. I am not sure how other people went from sprinting to standing and got back on, but I also ended up with a good overall workout for the day.
Week 3, is what I am currently doing. I feel ok. Not great. I want to do more and definitely still feel like I am out of shape. I almost have to look back at all the time and miles I have logged. I guess it is just different after training for an Ironman to go to a half. I over distance trained for the half, but not up to the full distance.
Looking forward to week 4 and the "super charged" feeling I hope to have. I have to turn in my bike on Thurs to be shipped so I will be without Shamu for a few days, but we will meet up just prior to the race. Also, hoping for a bit of a cool down in Orlando before the race, since lately it has been in the 90's and I am hot when it is 70 here!
What to Expect During a Taper
In week one of the taper you will start to feel good. The energy system that raises your energy up for peak workouts will still be working but you will be building up some reserves because of the reduced volume of training. The result is that you will start to feel supercharged.
Then during the second week, all systems start to shut down that are normally active during high training. This is what happens when you start to go into hyper-recovery mode. You will begin to feel absolutely terrible. Your legs will feel heavy, you won1t feel motivated, and you will feel like you are losing all of your fitness. This is the worst you will feel. But have faith!
In week three of the taper (this is where I am now), your energy will start to come back up and you will start to feel the spark come back. Remember that this is still not the time to test yourself. That will come in the race just over a week away.
In week four, all of the rest pays off. If you thought week three felt good, this will blow your socks off. You will hardly be able to contain yourself. This is exactly what you want. You are now ready for your best race.
What I would say is that week 2 was definitely difficult. I ran the treadmill relay and my legs were on FIRE. They were so tired! We ran either .5 miles or .25 miles at a 2% incline for 10miles. It really was only about 2.5 miles per person, but each part you ran as fast as you could. Having teammates definitely motivates you to pick up the speed! I jogged on the treadmill next to the "race" one between my intervals. I am not sure how other people went from sprinting to standing and got back on, but I also ended up with a good overall workout for the day.
Week 3, is what I am currently doing. I feel ok. Not great. I want to do more and definitely still feel like I am out of shape. I almost have to look back at all the time and miles I have logged. I guess it is just different after training for an Ironman to go to a half. I over distance trained for the half, but not up to the full distance.
Looking forward to week 4 and the "super charged" feeling I hope to have. I have to turn in my bike on Thurs to be shipped so I will be without Shamu for a few days, but we will meet up just prior to the race. Also, hoping for a bit of a cool down in Orlando before the race, since lately it has been in the 90's and I am hot when it is 70 here!
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