I got home this last week from my long summer trip. Oregon and Chicago went ok. Oregon went better because we won our first three games and then lost to one of the top teams in the country, but were not blown out! Chicago, I had two teams and my younger kids actually did a lot better than I expected them to do, since most of our team is 12u and we were playing 14u. But the high school kids, were in a pool with a team that had three kids that had signed top 10 d1 schools and some other teams that were quite outstanding. Including a team that had Ken Griffey Jr.'s daughter and two ex NBA players coaching a team.
This weekend I didn't work, since it was our last weekend of relaxing time before our wedding. Meaning that next weekend Pedro works, the following weekend I coach all weekend, then Pedro works...then the wedding! Of course we will have plenty of relaxing time in Tahiti!
Saturday Pedro joined me to do run club where we ran about 6.5 miles at 830am, which was already 91 degrees (joyous). He actually did really well and was the third runner to come in from the run (me, some fast guy, then pedro). I was running fast to get back to the car for WATER!!! Then we ran some errands, including buying a doggie door. Stella was quick to learn, but Polar is not too happy to use it...no surprise there. Then today Pedro decided he wanted to go on a bike ride with me. We went for a short ride of about 17 miles. Pedro had told me not to wait for him and just to ride and since it was an out and back it gave me a few opportunities to see where he was. At one point I decided it best to take a few hill detours off to the side and then catch back up. However, on the way back I took three big hill detours and I still didn't see him. I kept thinking he must have gone a different way back home, or he wasn't that far behind me and now he is too far in front of me to catch. When I got to a straight away where I should have been able to see him, in front of behind me, I couldn't see him. Weird. So, I leisurely rode home thinking he must have gone the other way home. When I arrived home he was nowhere to be found. So, I rode back to the corner and waited...and waited...and waited some more. Now, I was getting worried. On a short ride like that and with the extra 3 or 4 miles I rode, there was no way I should be 20 minutes ahead of him. I went home...changed clothes. Stood outside for a few more minutes than decided I needed to go look for him. So, I got in the car to find him and then he was riding down the hill. He had a few expletives about how he hates biking, which totally cracks me up. He also refuses to wear biking clothes now, I guess he doesn't think he looks good enough in them, but whatever.
I haven't posted pictures in awhile so here are a few!
Yes, seriously this is what he was wearing biking..
Chasing him down...kind of.
At Marc and Kelly's reception:
Outside the Chart House in CA while on my spa trip.
This was also on my spa trip in CA, this would be the best place to run ever! So, many people running here and you could run for up to 24 miles
Greeley Stampede, don't think we are going back there again, not too exciting.
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