I have still been pretty hungry, but again, I don't eat all that much, but I apparently pack on the pounds no matter what! I was actually thinking, that from one doctors appointment to the next I had gained something like 5 lbs or so, that would mean that I ate 17,500 EXTRA calories in that time frame (4 weeks). I definitely know that, that is NOT the case. With the working out and normal eating, minus the fact that I don't want dessert, which is completely ABNORMAL for me! I would think just not eating the usual dessert probably has cut about that many calories from the day! I'm not worried about it, if that is what it sounds like. I just find it kind of interesting how my body gains weight while pregnant! Now, yes it is fine if I say that my belly looks like a whale by the end of the day, but I am pretty sure, that I wouldn't find it too appropriate if someone else said it! However, my mother told the home health care nurse the other day that I "wasn't fat, just pregnant". I didn't think about it until later, and I thought, do I still look FAT? and not PREGNANT? Probably so!
Since regular foods all sound pretty equal right now, I am trying to make sure I eat more fruits and vegetables than I have been. Early on I ate a lot of both, but then they were not sounding as good. Now they don't sound good or bad, so I am trying to make sure I have more each day. Today I had oatmeal for a late breakfast with juice, then a salad for lunch (snack), then for dinner I had a fake burger with some chips and an amazing limeaide, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry smoothie. I am also trying to drink more milk, since the baby is making it's bones more solid, I figure I need a lot of extra calcium throughout the whole pregnancy.
I am now officially in maternity pants. I wore my first pair of capris yesterday to a restaurant review. I found a pair of capris at kohls for $18.00 with discounts and coupons and then a nice pair of shorts for $4.95 at JC Penny's! I figured I would only buy maternity clothing if it is less than $20.00. Not sure how I will continue this, since the only maternity clothes I have are Karen's, which I wore one of her shirts last night, but I do not have many clothes, including shirts that fit. Apparently slim fitting clothing when you are normal does NOT work when you are pregnant, who knew??!!
The one exciting thing, or might be exciting, is that I THINK, I have felt the baby kick 3 times now. A few days ago I was laying on the sofa watching tv and I swear I felt a little kick. The next night I was bending over to read my book on the table and I felt two little kicks. Then yesterday I was just sitting there and I swear I felt a one jab. I might be completely wrong, but they were felt in the area where my baby could be, but I am not for sure. We will see, if that is what it feels like when it starts happening more regularly...whenever that is.
On a work note, this weekend is going to be a LONG weekend for me. I have three teams playing in a local tournament and for this tournament the games do not conflict, so I will be coaching about 20 games over a 3 day time period. One day my last game is at 9:45pm and I start the day at 9:15...ugh! that is the most horrible scheduling EVER!
Alright are you ready for some pictures?? I wasn't sure I looked all that much bigger but with these full body picture comparisons it appears that I am.
Here I am at 12 weeks (I think you can still see my abs line):
And now at 16 weeks (don't mind the hair, I just got out of bed):
And here is the front view, which I think is bigger looking. And no, we were not trying to have Polar in the picture, he is just very photogenic and choose to sit right in front of me:
Random facts:
Size of baby: Avocado, 4-5 inches long and about 3.5 oz.
Days till next doctors appointment: 21 days
Cravings: spicy food and a hamburger (the reason for the fake burger today plus I need more protein)
Movements felt: 3??
Total miles run this week: 7
Total minutes done on stairmaster: 225
Days/distance swam: 1 day, 1 mile and a sunburned back
Days lifting weights: 4
Baby items purchased: 5 pretty big purchases total, a few smaller gifts from people
Baby is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day