The benefits of being in the second trimester have been that I don't wake up 10 times to go to the bathroom at night. Ok, 10 might be a bit of an exaggeration, but for those of you that know me, you know I go a lot even when I am not pregnant! I know this will be a short term benefit and will most likely come back again later, but I will take what I can get.
I officially no longer fit in to ANY of my pre-pregnancy shorts....besides the obvious workout shorts and skirts. I wanted to find just one pair of shorts and all the shorts I have found are either ugly, or expensive. I am not sure why someone would want to spend a lot of money of shorts that I will only wear for, at this point, 2 or 3 months if I am lucky, because then it will be winter. UGH!
The other day I was on the stairmaster and my cousin asked me how I was feeling. I was a little confused why someone would ask me how I am feeling while I am on the stairmaster, was I looking tired?? Then I realized he was asking because I am pregnant! LOL. Yes, I still do not feel really pregnant, so I frequently forget! It seems to be a question asked of pregnant people quite a bit, it seems almost like they are surprised when I tell them that I am feeling completely fine. I guess I shouldn't complain about that, because at some point I will probably "feel" pregnant.
I still get the looks at the gym, is she pregnant? or has she spent too much time eating? If you see me in the afternoon, my stomach is so bloated it is pretty clear I couldn't have packed on that much in the short time, but in the morning, it is still pretty questionable. I laugh because people say, oh you don't need to eat that many extra calories, you shouldn't put on too much weight. The funny thing is I don't eat anymore than I usually do, maybe even a little less. Except that now when I am hungry I will eat, instead of not eating because it is too close to dinner or something, now I just push dinner back. My weight gain is not on purpose and besides the fact that prior to being pregnant my weight could change quite drastically in a two day time period. So, I probably retain a lot of water and besides my food belly, which I have always gotten (doctors think I am allergic to something, but say as long as it doesn't bother me to not worry) now that doesn't go away until the next morning. As of now my total weight gain has been 9 lbs (on doctors scale in afternoon), I think it is a little less in the morning. Karen, if you are reading this, I am halfway to your total gain already!!!
Anyway, here is the comparison from week 14 to week 15 picture. Not sure if it is bigger than week 14, or if Pedro just took it closer.
14 weeks:
15 weeks:
1 comment:
i am loving reading your blog and seeing the pics! i still think that after having the baby that you should enter a race up here.
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