Each day it sinks in more and more...we are going to HAVE A BABY! Yes, I know this sounds really stupid, but really, we are not naive to believe that a child will not change anything in our lives. I guess I imagine the worse and that it will change EVERYTHING. But for instance I imagine bad things like, I imagine having to be in labor for 40 hours, to the point that, even though I don't want an epidural because of my fear of them, but me having one because I have been in labor for so long that I give in to the idea (or maybe this will happen immediately, I have no set in stone plans, other than I would MUCH prefer no epidural bc of my fear). Anyway, I imagine a baby that will keep me up so much, that I will not know what my name is the first few weeks. I imagine most things as being infinitely more difficult. Yes, I know people have kids all the time. My expectations are just for the most extreme. I HOPE Pedro, enjoys our newborn as much as he enjoys the toddlers, however, maybe we will take the trade off, because the idea of chasing around a toddler, sounds just as exhausting! My mom got me a book, the chicken soup for the soul for new moms book. Anyway, that doesn't make it any better! The stories keep talking about how they are so tired they are wearing different shoes. Or how they went for a run with their baby in a stroller and it screamed once they got to the turn around point of the run (although it was mile 12 of a 24 mile run) and had to run the whole way back with a screaming baby. I know people say the tradeoff is well worth it, but scary nonetheless! I told Pedro that he may have to start running some of our errands (not likely) once the baby arrives, for instance today, we had to get dog food. We were driving to get the food, which Pedro has been with me to get a few times, in the past year. And he starts going to a store that I haven't been to in almost two years. Then we get to the store and I tell him to grab the bags of food (we buy two different brands and mix them) and he grabs the small bags. I told him those are not the bags we buy, we buy the big bags because our dogs would eat the small bags in a week... and he wasn't sure which size we usually buy. Worries me quite a bit, because that would have been something easy to go and do! Oh, well...he will get the hang of it, or I will, lol.
This week, I swear I have gotten bigger. Not sure if the pictures will demonstrate that, but usually I wake up thinking "I'm looking skinny today (sort of)", but this week I feel quite a bit bigger. I have also had a horrible cold for nearly a week, which has made my sleep not very good. My glucose results came back normal, I was a little worried since the ultrasound tech thought our baby was really big, which can be a sign of gestational diabetes. But all my lab work was good.
Workouts have just been ok this week, because of the cold. Monday's run club, instead of running with everyone, I took Stella with me for a 3 mile jog/walk, because the cool air was making my throat/cough worse. With the snow this week, I think I might have made an official change (minus Saturday's and nice warm days), to runs on the treadmill. Prior to being pregnant the treadmill was the most horrible thing ever. Now, the idea sounds pretty good. I can run slow, and not "see" how slow I am running (which at this point is ridiculous) and I can go to the bathroom at any point and my water is right there. I may change my mind once it gets nice out again, but this week that was my main workout. I did the stairmaster a few times, but my cold was making me short on breath, but this didn't happen on my slow treadmill runs.
This week we have also started painting. We needed to paint our hallway, so that has been almost completed and we have primed the walls in the baby's room. Tomorrow we are hoping to do almost all of the painting, in the baby's room. Then after my shower next week, we will be able to get the whole room done! Which is good news, just in case our little one decides to make an early appearance.
This weeks belly pictures:

Here I am at week 25, only 4 weeks ago!

Random facts:
Day's till due date: 78
Day's pregnant: 202
Baby's length: 17 inches
Baby's weight: 3-4 lbs
Scary fact: She is almost her length now, but will come close to TRIPLING her weight over the next 11 weeks.
Development: teeth buds for permanent teeth are forming in her gums
Day's till next doctor appt: 7 (then every two weeks)