This week I had my regular checkup at the doctors office. After waiting for an hour in the room because my doctor was in labor and delivery, I had my five second checkup. This week, I am measuring slightly ahead, but I know this measurement can be ahead, behind or on track and change each time. I think she said I was close to 28.5 weeks, and I am 27 weeks. So, not a huge difference, although it probably was the growth of the week before. Baby's heartrate was around 150 and everything is looking good. Next week, I have to go do the glucose test and then I will be back at the doctor at week 30 and then going every two weeks after that. I can't believe how time has flown.
My workouts have been going pretty good. I have been taking the dogs for a run. I take Stella out for about 2 miles then I switch and take Polar out for about the same. We are not running very fast. I think the dogs can almost walk at the speed we are going! The stairmaster and elliptical are on my off days of running and I lift weights on those days. Nothing else too exciting, other than I am still running. The only downside with the slow running is that I still run with run club and I know that not many people run as slow as I do, and I don't mind, but sometimes they want to stay with me and I would prefer they just get their run in, I know that I am slow and I don't want them to waste their workouts.
This week I also got my flu shot. I am not a big fan of getting one, but after hearing the pro's and con's for the baby, I decided that I would get one. I coach and spend a lot of time around kids, so in general, I am more susceptible to being around someone that might have the flu, so I went ahead and got one.
Symptom wise, things have been pretty good. I do find that when I am laying on the sofa, I have a hard time breathing if I lay a certain way. I still have the nosebleeds and I still have my "clown" lip issue. Really, other than that things have felt pretty good. Today I am a bit more tired than usual, but it could be because I know my weekend consists of coaching about 10 games or so, plus run club and a meeting at the gym.
We also had my baby shower, with my team this week! It was great! We had about 21 of my players there and their mom's. They got me a wide range of things from my registry and a lot of things that we need. When you have nothing for the baby to start with, I am very thankful, for everyone helping us get the things we need for our baby! I know some of the things are luxuries, but I am so happy people are willing to help us! We still need a large variety of things from, bottles and different size clothing, to bigger items like a monitor or pack n play. We have one more shower with our family at the beginning of November, so hopefully after that, we will be set and ready to get everything cleaned and organized!!!!
We went to a consignment sale for baby clothes this week and we got some great stuff! Most stuff was about $3.00! Here is a picture of some of the stuff we ended up with:
One fun thing was that last night while I was in bed, the baby must have been stretching out. I could feel her from one hip all the way to the other hip. So, she was laying sideways and stretching out. They were quite large kicks so the length that way must be a little short for her!
Alright here are the pictures this week:
Random Facts:
Baby's length: 15inches
Baby's weight: 2lbs
Days till due date: 91
Days pregnant:189
Development: At this point the baby has more taste buds than she will at any other point. This means that she can easily taste the food that I am eating and may react to it! (spicy food..mmm).
Days till ULTRASOUND: 7!!
Days till next doctors appt: 21 or 6 if you count my glucose test.
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