Friday, October 21, 2011

28 weeks or 3rd Trimester!

I can't believe we are already in the 3rd trimester. Time has flown by. Remind me of this when I am even bigger than I already am and I am swearing about how large I am, and how long it is taking. Or at least, I have heard that the last few weeks are the hardest because you know the baby could be coming at any time..and you are a lot bigger (can I actually get bigger? I don't want to know the answer to that!).

I also did my glucose test this week. It was ok, the baby enjoyed the sugar because she was moving for the entire hour after I drank it.

Anyway, the exciting news was that today we went for a 3d/4d ultrasound. We went ahead and paid for one in case we would not get any more ultrasounds and since the baby wasn't exactly cooperative last time we wanted to try again. Today was no different. Our baby is not very helpful when we want pictures. They think it is because my abs are really strong (can't believe there are any muscles at this point) and they are holding everything in closer. Funny, because my stomach is so large, I can't believe there is not A LOT of room in there! Anyway, we did confirm that the baby is a GIRL! We also found out that she is estimated to be pretty big. Right now at 28 weeks she should weigh about 2.25 lbs. The tech believed that she is closer to 3.5 lbs (or about 3 weeks ahead). She has a nice double chin, chubby cheeks and appears quite chunky. As, we know things could be big this week and smaller or on track next, but right now she seems to be sizing up to be a big baby (haven't decided if this is good or She liked to smile a lot. She also liked to put her giant feet by her face so we couldn't get a good view.

Here are a few of her pictures:

Here is my belly at 28 weeks:

Random facts:
Baby size: 16 inches long (we did not measure her today)
Baby weight: apparently between 2.25-3.5 lbs
Days till next doctor appt: 13 days
Days till due date: 84
Days pregnant: 196
Development: Baby now blinks and has REM sleep cycle so she could be dreaming

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