This last week was the first time that I have had any "issue" during pregnancy. I am not sure I will call it an issue. But it did call for me to have an early doctors appointment. Last Friday, I woke up to a really bad sharp pain on my right side. I was thinking, this is quite awful, I can't imagine labor pain! Anyway, it lasted for part of the morning and was pretty painful, but I figured it was pain from the baby growing and now occupying my right side (if you remember two days prior was the first time I had felt her on that side). I worked out and did my usual stuff and then later in the evening I was very crampy. Not just on the right side, but had pretty bad cramps. I drank some extra water and figured I would see what Saturday would bring. Saturday, I ran in the morning but only 2.5 miles, I didn't want to aggravate whatever the issue was the day before. I was fine, but after I ran, I had one lesson then I went home and rested the rest of the day and drank plenty of water. But by mid afternoon, I was crampy again. It went away and came back again that night when I went to bed. Sunday I woke up with the feeling and then had to coach 5 games, and my stomach just felt "different" than what it has been feeling. That is the best way I can explain it. My mom and Pedro were both very worried. I wasn't worried, just assumed it was growing pains. Although, everyone that I talked to told me they never had these pains/cramps and then one person told me she did and it was pre-term labor. Great. I called the nurse Monday morning and told her that I was currently feeling fine, but I explained the cramping over the weekend and she decided it was best for me to come in that morning.
I went to the office and they did my blood pressure (110/55), heart rate (62), measured me (25), weighed me (up 3lbs) and listened to the baby's heartbeat (155). Everything was looking right on track and good. She told me that it was probably just growing pains and that maybe with my tight abs/obliques before that it would cause more pulling than an average person. She told me that the running I am doing could cause more of the pain as it pulls more on my muscles. She didn't say I couldn't run, just that it might get more uncomfortable for me. I know the pain she is referring to from running, I get it most days after I run, it feels just like a sore muscle in my lower (what use to be) abs. That doesn't bother me. I'm going with what she said it was, growing pains, but it was a little different than the pains that I have had from running and even today, laying in bed I was a bit achy in my hip/oblique area. I will still go back for my next appointment as scheduled and continue on from there.
This week we got a very unexpected present in the mail, but one I have been wanting. We got our BOB stroller! That is exciting, because I plan to run with our baby, but also because it isn't a little stroller where Pedro will look like he is pushing a doll's stroller because they are so much smaller. We will likely have both types of strollers (I think Linzy is loaning me her's) so we will have that too, but this one should be good for my runs! I assume the baby will like running, with all the running she does now!
We haven't purchased anything lately and our nursery is still at the same point. We are waiting for my first baby shower, next week with my team, and then getting the room painted, then the baby shower with my family. We will also be getting our new windows sometime in Nov. Hopefully, by about Thanksgiving we will have our room together. I don't want to have to spend the last month of my pregnancy organizing the room/clothes etc.
A big week:
As I keep saying, it is very strange. I workout everyday. I eat well. I don't eat bad food. Yet, I am bigger and heavier each week. I definitely have zero control over this!
Random info:
Days till due date: 99!!!!
Days pregnant: 181
Days till next doctors appt: 7
Days till 3rd trimester: 7!
Baby weighs: 1.75/2 lbs
Baby size: 14 inches (cucumber, not sure I have seen a cucumber this size?)
Development: Baby's ears are more developed and can hear us talking. Also, she is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, to get her lungs practiced.
Days till 3D ultrasound: 15
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