I am in the 30's! Our baby girl could arrive in 7-12 weeks (or earlier, but hopefully she decides to grow a bit more first). That is a wide range, but I am hoping to make sure that I have everything ready for her, just in case she makes an early arrival. Today was my last baby shower, this one was with family. I got a lot of good necessities, so now we have a good idea of what we still need or want. Tonight, I took all of our newborn to 3 month clothing out and organized them all to be washed. Then I took the summer/dresses/short sleeves 3-12 month stuff (not very much), 6-12 month winter long sleeves and hoodies (not too many), and 6-12 month long pants (a few pair), and put them in one storage bin, labeled with sizes and seasons, so if the season changes, or she grows into a bigger size, I have them labeled and easy to find. I have no idea how many times you change a baby's clothes in a day, but I am sure it is a lot, so you can never have too much stuff, and for different seasons, we have only a few outfits, or only a few as she grows. I have no idea how big she will be when she is born, so I am not sure what size she will be needing. I am not going to wash any of the bedding yet, because we are hopefully getting new windows soon and so they will be out in the open and will need to be washed again once we get those done.
I would say that I don't feel like I have grown that much in the past month, but some people think I look bigger? I guess, I don't know since I see myself everyday. My doctor appointment this week went well, I now start going every two weeks. I measured fine (she didn't give me a measurement) and my blood pressure was still low and my heart rate was a nice 58 bpm, good to see some benefit from all of the working out I do! The funny thing was that I had randomly weighed myself a few days before my appointment and then again the night before my appointment I had not gained any weight in the three weeks, until that morning I got on the scale and I had literally gained 2lbs that day. Whatever! I have not been as hungry lately and it seems if I eat a bigger meal, I get a stomachache. Must not be as much room. I think I need to eat smaller meals. I have been having some heartburn (not the severely painful kind, just an annoying kind), in the evenings and when I run.
The only other symptoms I have been experiencing is that this past week or so I have been a bit more tired than usual. Besides that, I still feel normal (besides the everyday bloody nose and dry lips). The other day at the mall I went to get a sample of the good candy they have and a lady said that "the pregnant lady needs to feed the baby" and I was a little confused why she was saying that, until I remembered I was pregnant! haha!. Yesterday, I ran 5 miles at a pretty fast pace, outside with run club and felt completely fine. I get a little sore in my lower abdomen in the afternoon after the run, it feels kind of like sore muscles, which I am sure are doing extra work to hold up the baby! But the pain goes away by the evening.
This week we have been pretty busy, organizing the baby's room, figuring out where some of Pedro's clothing will go and finding things for the room. Then we did two restaurant reviews and went to see two movies. Plus, I have had quite a few lessons and my own workouts (everyday), the baby shower, and practices. Been quite a busy week, that is the reason the post is a few days later than usual.
Alright here are a few pictures, I should have some more from the baby shower soon.
Here is some of the work we have done in the room:

This is a coat hanger and we put the monkey, bird and the leaves. The wall color is light pink on top and chocolate brown on the bottom, but it looks darker in the picture. This is how the rest of the room is painted around (half pink/brown).

The cake from the shower, Dena got it and it matches everything awesomely! Don't look at the ugly baby pictures of Pedro and I, I feel bad for our daughter since we are both kind of scary!

Here are the belly pictures (she still likes to lay sideways across my stomach, or mostly on my left side):

Random facts:
Day's till due date: 68 days!
Day's pregnant: 212!
Baby is now 3-4lbs and about 17 inches long.
Baby's new skills: Brain is developing grooves. She is learning to regulate her own body temperature, so she is starting to lose the fine hair that covers her body. Her bone marrow has taken over red blood cell production.
She will gain about .5lbs a week from here on out.
Day's till next doctor's appointment: 11 days