Friday, January 3, 2014

19 and 20 Weeks #2

Well I totally forgot to take a picture at 19 weeks.  We have plenty of pictures from the holiday's but none of my belly.  So here I am at 20 weeks (almost 21 weeks)!

It is so funny because each week I think that I am huge, then I see the next weeks picture and I am even bigger!  I also look short in this picture, so I am hoping this angle is making me look bigger?!?

Pregnancy so far has been going well.  Again, I really don't notice that I am pregnant other than the large belly.  You would think it would be hard to not notice that you are pregnant, but really it is true.  I do find that some days the cardio is a little bit more difficult at the higher levels, but then again that could just be some normal fatigue.

The exciting thing that happened was right before 19 weeks, I could feel the baby kicking with my hand.  This baby has been a lot more active than Zuri was and spends a lot more time of the day kicking and moving.  Which is fun.

I really haven't had any heartburn or anything so far in this pregnancy (besides one day).  I had another massage and this one I had to lay on my side, which was sad because side massages are not as good.

I have spent a lot of this week dealing with Zuri because she has croup.  So that has been lots of fun.

Pregnancy info:
Days pregnant: 144
Days till due date 136
Baby info: This week baby has a waxy covering.
Baby size: 6.5 inches crown to rump and 10.6oz -small cantaloupe (but I believe this baby is measuring ahead so probably a bit bigger since she was 12oz at her 19 week appt)

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