Those are the weekends right now and the last two weeks haven't been much better. The first Monday after the long weekend I was sick to my stomach. I couldn't eat much, I was dizzy and just didn't feel good. I started to feel a bit better and wanted to get my long run in...well that was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. The first six miles went pretty well. Then I met up with another runner for run club and decided to run another 8 miles or so. After about two miles I realized I was not feeling great. My energy was low (hmm I wonder why, since I had only eaten one small meal and it was 6pm) and I wasn't sure I could keep running. I tried to keep moving but when we hit the corner (about .5miles to my house) I was done. It was the longest nearly, 13 miles of my life. I had to walk from the corner to my house, which I have never done. Then of course, it started to rain as soon as I started walking. I tried to jog but I thought I might be sick. I finally arrived home and I was cold and wet from the rain and exhausted. I sat in the shower until all the hot water was gone. Of course it was a day that Pedro worked and so I had to try and summon some strength to make food. I thought maybe a smoothie. After I put all the ingredients into the blender I had to go and sit down because I thought I might be sick. I wanted some food, but didn't want to make it.
The next few days were better but the weather wasn't great and then another tournament. I then started having IT band problems. Only when I run. So, this week I have only gotten in one real run and my long run consisted of 30min on tred, 30min on elliptical until I had reached 2hrs. My long bike was done outside in the 55 degree weather and I was so cold after I was done that I lost my mind. I had to go to the gym to do run club (the one run I did this week) and I turned on the heat in my car because I was so cold and I got to the gym and realized I had been driving the whole way with my window down! On top of that, on Monday I had another stomachache. This one was apparently from the food that we had from the night before because a few players and parents also had stomachaches. UGH. This week I have gotten in my long ride, long swim (indoors, since it is rainy and tornadoes) and a "pseudo" long run. Mixed in with two other indoor rides and one other swim.
I leave for Wichita tomorrow for another long weekend of tournaments. I have four teams in the tournament so I imagine it will be a ridiculously long weekend.
On a separate note, Pedro has bought a bike to start riding with me. He is currently capable of riding about 15 miles on his bike. I love when he rides with me and I can draft off of him, it's nice not to ride through the wind since he is blocking it all!
We need to get him a bike jersey!
So, right now I am doing very little running with hopes my IT band gets better, since my main focus is for my full ironman in November.
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