Week to week there hasn't been many changes physically. I feel good, my SI pain has been good (knock on wood) and everything has been going fine. If my stomach wasn't growing, I really wouldn't believe I am pregnant. Sometimes, when I am at the gym and I look in the mirror, I am surprised by my stomach. I know I think it is big now, I can't even imagine it being bigger! I already have a hard time trying to grab something on the floor of the car when I am in the passenger seat, bending over like that is just weird, it is like there is a big roll stopping me from doing it. However, I can still do it, I know at some point I probably won't be able to do things like this.
I must be looking pregnant (vs. looking fat) now because at the gym, I have people come up to me and say "Oh it is so good to see you working out while you are pregnant!!" What?? Am I suppose to just sit at home and eat? I don't know what people think being pregnant is...I think a lot of people must want to use it as a reason to not be healthy. Even though the studies show that working out makes for a healthier pregnancy and baby. No, I am not overdoing it. In my first trimester, during the big developmental time period, where the baby goes from the size of a pin head to an actual baby (albeit small), I was very careful not to overdo it. I did not workout in the heat. My runs and cardio were all 30 minutes long and all at a low aerobic intensity. Now that I am in the second trimester, the doctor gave me the go ahead to do whatever I am comfortable with, that is aerobic and doesn't leave me exhausted. My stairmaster time is about 40-50 minutes, but instead of a pre-pregnancy level of 9/10, I now do level 4 (which is probably just as hard to me now!). Or I do 15 or 20 minutes of a stairmaster or elliptical and then lift and then go back and do another set of cardio. I don't lift heavy weights, but I do lift more times than I did before I was pregnant, mainly because now my cardio time is less. I took a spin class this week, just to change things up a bit.
I also ran track again this week. The one thing about running is that I can go to the bathroom right before I start running, but about 1-2 miles in, or about 20 minutes, I have to go again! This makes for a lot of stops! This week I ran an 800, 400,800,400,800,400, and a 400 (3x800,4x 400). The 400's were good breaks from the 800's.
Another funny thing is how when you are pregnant people think that this is like a sickness. Even my mother, that claims when she was pregnant she was hauling a ton of rock around the yard (or some story like that), worries that I am working out. Or when I say that we might be going on a short trip, she is worried about "my condition". Totally cracks me up. What is "my condition"???? She always said that I hope when you are pregnant you don't complain and be all wimpy about it, but now that I am pregnant she thinks I am a little too un-wimpy? As long as the pregnancy is going well, according to the doctor, then I will continue on until I feel uncomfortable to do something, or it is not good for the baby. Obviously, I am aware that I am renting out space for a short amount of time and that the decisions I make, I am making for someone else. And of course the other person takes priority. I am not thinking that working out or doing whatever I do, is making me in better shape, or trying to make me look good. There is absolutely no vanity in pregnancy. I can workout and still be getting a bigger stomach by the day!
The weird things I have been experiencing with pregnancy are the vivid dreams. Apparently, this is something that happens a lot when you are pregnant. I am traditionally a person that remembers my dreams on a lot of nights, but now it is crazy! The dreams are so real and last nights I think I was even crying in my sleep! I had dreamt that Roscoe (the dog) was with me in an elevator and wouldn't come with me out of the elevator and he jumped through the grates before I could grab him and fell SMACK on the concrete floor. I didn't even want to look! I have had other dreams about Pedro and other one's about me, that I would swear were real (although, thankfully for the most part they are not!) I also had a dream that I had a 7lb 3 oz girl...so if that happens it will be crazy! I have also been having a hard time sleeping. Not falling asleep, but I wake up very early and I am wide awake. I lay there and eventually fall back asleep, but it makes me tired for the rest of the day, because we don't usually go to bed until pretty late. I have been needing a nap in the afternoon. The last thing is that the last week or so, I have not been very hungry. I have had to make sure that I am eating, because I am just not as hungry as I was. My scale at home has not changed in the past two weeks, but I am pretty sure I could put on a 1-2 pounds in a short period of time and since I don't weigh myself too frequently, the next time I get on it could be up. They say during the second trimester you should gain about 1lb a week. Maybe I am making up for my earlier gain?!?
Our ultrasound is coming up (I will schedule it at my next appt). I am now CONSIDERING finding out if it is a boy or a girl. One of the reasons is that I am so convinced it is a girl, that we don't really have a boys name or any real ideas. I think I would be shocked and it would take some "accepting" time for me if it was a boy, only because I would SWEAR it is a girl. I don't mean accepting, as in that I don't want a boy. I just mean that when you think it is one thing and then it is another, I think that might be a bit shocking?? It would also help with some of the stuff we are looking at buying. There is not a lot of gender neutral stuff, so the shopping makes you want to know, just so you can buy something! I am not sure we will, I still have some time to decide. But I went from not wanting to know, to possibly wanting to know.
This is also our 1st anniversary weekend, so we might have some pictures of us from this weekend too.
18 weeks pregnant pictures (not sure I am any bigger this week than last):
Random info:
Day's into pregnancy: 126
Day's left until due date:154 days
Size of baby: Sweet Potato, 5-6 inches and 6.5-7.5oz
Purchases this week: 1 (a dresser that was on sale for 50% off!)
Cravings: none
Food aversions: none
Desserts eaten: snickerdoodles (I made batter, minus the egg, ate some of it, added the egg then made the cookies)
Baby fact this week: Baby now has fingerprints
Movements felt: still none
Days till next doctors appt: 6
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