This doctor said that she doesn't actually measure until you are quite a bit above the bellybutton. But at 20 weeks (I'm at 19) you are suppose to be at about your bellybutton. I am just barely above now, so that means that I am measuring a little big right now, going by that idea. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and still each time I hear it, I am quite surprised that there is a baby in there! Even though I have (obviously) gotten bigger and I still get bloody noses, the only other real symptom is that my running is getting slower by the week. I run aerobically, so I just base it on feel and today's run of 3 miles was one of my slowest yet! I brought Stella with me because I figured she wouldn't get tired because it was cloudy and we were going so slow and not far, but she had to stop 3 times on the way home. However, I wasn't complaining!
Again, for those of you that think I shouldn't be working out, I verify with each new doctor that I see, that I am still doing good with what I am doing. This doctor was so excited that I workout and run. She said that as long as I am gaining weight (obviously) and not measuring small (and we are big) that I must be doing good. There must be a lot of sedentary people because each time someone asks if I workout they are so excited and surprised that I workout while pregnant. Then you have the group that thinks that I shouldn't be doing anything. This week I actually had a couple days that didn't feel great while working out. Not feeling great means that I was more tired than normal. My legs were more fatigued and my level of perceived effort (which I keep easy to slightly moderate), was much higher than other days. I made adjustments to the workouts and came home and took a nap :) I assume there will be more and more days like that and I will just go with it. It's probably all of the extra weight I have put on! It's like carrying around a weight (baby) vest! I have needed a few more naps this week as I have been pretty tired.
The exciting part of the doctors appointment was I scheduled my 20 week ultrasound! It is next Weds (5 days from today!). We are still HIGHLY considering finding out the sex....we will see very soon!
19 weeks, looking bigger than last week I think:
Not sure why this is blurry, it's not your eyes it is the picture :)
Interesting facts:
Days left till due date: 147
Days since pregnant: 133
Size of baby: Large Mango, 6-8 inches and 1/2 lb or slightly more
Kicks felt: None?
Random info: Arms and legs are now in proportion
Days till ultrasound: 5
Days till next doctors appt: 25 days
Days till our VACATION: 6!! (Florida for a few days)
i love that your dogs are always in the pictures...they love their momma =)
Lol, I know! They always just sit RIGHT next to me when we are taking pictures. We are not trying to get them in the
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