So, today we went in and I had decided we would find out what we were having. Pedro has always wanted to know, but oddly hadn't pressured me to find out, until he knew I was considering it, then he was really excited!
Our first view on our ultrasound was of the baby's butt. Yes, my baby decided to make things difficult today. The baby was face down and head down for the ultrasound. The best view I got of the baby's face was a side view, and even then the baby was crossing it's arms over it's face, as seen here:
We started by checking to see if we can figure out the sex. such luck, not only was the baby upside down and butt up, but they had their legs crossed!! I started thinking it was a sign to not know. So, we continued on with our measurements. Our baby's foot measured about 1.5 inches, they said this wasn't long, but I imagine some long toes on the kid, sorry kid, we both have fingers for toes! We had a nice view of the spine, thanks to the backside up! Then went back to check and try to wiggle the kid around. Nope, crossed the legs even more, but this time, the tech thought MAYBE they had an idea. We measured femur bones, arm bones, counted finger bones, measured the head, the neck, just about everything on the baby. Then we went back again to check. Still couldn't tell for sure. So, I went on my side....then the other side...then back to the middle, more shaking (no, shake a baby!)...the tech zoomed in a few times and decided that they were pretty sure...
Then she showed me that the placenta is anterior. This means that the reason I haven't really felt the baby is because there is an extra inch of padding (not my new fat) between the baby and my nerves, because the placenta is on the front of my stomach instead of near my back. There is no problem with this, the baby doesn't care if it is in the front or in the back. Just makes early movements harder to feel. However, I have thought I have felt some movements this week. And on Sunday I actually SAW the baby move on the outside of my stomach. But when I googled it, it said that this tends to lead to more back pain and longer painful deliveries and delivering a baby "sunny side up". Ok, well definitely shouldn't google things! Not something I want to hear!
The baby is measuring about 10 inches long and everything is right on track size wise for the due date. The baby also had a heart rate of 161 today. However, because it was not a 3D ultrasound and our baby was not very cooperative, I think we will pay for a 3D ultrasound in a month or so :)
Everything is looking good and normal for our baby GIRL!
They said they were 90% sure, but nothing is for sure, until you actually deliver the baby.
Now off to Florida for a nice little vacation (as some call it, a babymoon)! I'll post pictures of my growing belly next week when we return! Can't believe we are at the halfway point!!
Interesting facts for week 20:
Baby size: Baby measurements are now head to toe, not crown to rump. Baby is size of large banana, 10 inches, 11 oz
Days till due date: 141
Days pregnant: 139
Bloody nose this week: 4
Cravings: none
Other symptoms: I have been very tired this last week
Miles run: 16 (4 days)
Worse part about running lately: TIRED LEGS, closely followed by needing to pee every 1.5 miles
Strange things: the roll you get on top of your big stomach, that for me sits, right under my sports bra...annoying/gross!
Happy strange thing: I don't look fat, there is no question that I am pregnant
Weird thing: Other girl that is a triathlete that had a baby and ran/worked out throughout pregnancy had gained 15lbs at this point, odd, that we have both worked out and have eaten healthy (with no junk food cravings) and still gained that amount at this point.
Appreciates: That the hurricane was nice and is going to miss Florida, so we can go on vacation :)
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