Last week we went to Florida for a vacation (babymoon, as some call it!). We were really worried the hurricane was going to ruin our travel plans, but luckily the weather was nice. Actually, the first two days we were there it was record breaking heat (UGH!) then the last two days were cloudy and/or rainy...which kind of sucked because I wanted another beach day.
The things I learned while on vacation while being pregnant are that anytime you have a chance to go to the bathroom, take it! Each time we went to Dunkin' Donuts, or anywhere else for that matter, I made sure to go...the one time I didn't, about 10 minutes later I made Pedro make a stop for me to go! I think it was all the extra liquids from our Dunkin stops!
The other thing that happened were my ankles swelled. It reminded me of having really bad sprained ankles, where you cannot see the ankle bone on either side. They were huge! I think with the humidity and all of the walking around I just SWELLED UP. As you will see here with my 20 week picture. I am HUGE! No, I am not really this big, but this was a morning picture prior to eating...this is what I usually look like by the end of the day!
The last thing I learned, which I should have known before is that if you are bringing something to wear on a trip, make sure it fits. During the summer I did this with a pair of shorts and they didn't even come close to fitting. This time, it was less serious, but I brought a long tank top to sleep in, that has always been big and long. Well, not anymore. Now it barely passes my belly button. It wasn't very appropriate to wear at someone else's house! I'm sure that nobody wants to see my belly hanging out!
We took a picture at the beach, but Pedro won't allow me to post it. Not that I WANT to post it! We took a picture and when I saw it I was SHOCKED how huge I looked in the swimsuit. So, I said I was going to "suck it in" for the next picture...the people around us thought that was I could suck it in. I did, and it looked less WHALE like, then the other one. It's the food I tell you, it makes me even larger after I eat!
While we were in Florida we got to spend some time with Pedro's brother and girlfriend and we stayed at Pedro's friends house, Johnny and Chloe. We went to the beach and out to dinner with them both quite a few times. On Pedro's birthday, Sunday, we went to one of his favorite Cuban restaurants, where he devoured a huge steak, rice and beans, all before I finished my Cuban sandwich. That night, we went to Bubba Gumps at Bayside. This was one of our favorite places to go when we lived there. It is in Miami and at Bayside, where there is an outdoor shopping area on the water. Since it was his birthday I told the waiters that they needed to do something for him since he HATES when I tell waiters that it is his birthday. They came out and asked him to dance...this is his performance, one waiter said it was the best birthday dance they had ever seen (I'm assuming they meant somewhat PG of one).
Working on figuring out how to get the video to work on here....
Here is a picture of us at Bayside near the water:
Bubba Gumps:
The group of us at Bubba Gumps:
Pedro being attacked by the BEAR!
I'm just scared by the BEAR!
After that the last two days were cloudy or rainy, which wasn't that exciting, when I wanted some beach time. But it beats being at home and having to actually do something! We also got to eat Chicken Kitchen a few times...mmmm.
The last night we were there we went fishing. We use to go fishing all the time off the pier near where we lived. It was so much fun. We never caught anything (other than tiny bait fish), but it was fun anyway. This time, it started with us having to find a pier to fish at...then once we did, we discovered that to rent a pole and bait was going to be $16...really?? I could buy a cheap fishing pole for this. Then we found out that I had to pay to just WALK on the pier. $2.00. I know that isn't a lot, but why do I have to PAY to go on a pier. Whatever we did it anyway. It was a lot of fun. Pedro put the bait on and threw out his line. Then he told me to watch it while he walked around. After about a minute, I thought I saw a bite. I waited...then there was another one..hmm..could we really have a bite? I told Pedro to come back that he had a bite...he reeled it in and low and behold he had his first fish ever (during pier fishing)! I believe it was a sunfish and was about 8 inches long.

It was quite exciting. From that point on, literally, EVERY single time he threw out his line he got a bite. Sadly, we were using crappy bait that fell off every time we got one. So, instead of catching another fish, we were feeding them. A girl that was by us caught a 2 foot shark! They had seen a few sharks in the water prior to us arriving that were bigger. The others on the pier were all there trying to catch sharks.
On the baby side of things, apparently I have grown quite a bit in a week. I had one parent of a kid that I do lessons with today tell me that last week she wasn't sure if I was pregnant or not, but today I had clearly "popped". Thanks?? I guess? Then my team hadn't seen me for about 10 days and they saw me and told me I had doubled in size since last week and that I no longer looked fat!
Here is my 21 week picture (again don't mind the hair, I just rolled out of bed!)
I think I look smaller than the week 20 pictures..but I'm pretty sure my belly is crooked!?!
This week, I was able to FEEL the baby move, with my hand on the outside part of my stomach. This has happened twice now, both in the lower part of the left side. Pedro even got to feel her one of the times, because she was doing it for about 5 minutes. She seems to be a bit more active at night when I lay down in bed. I'm hoping that I get to feel more of the alien movements soon!
Random facts for the week:
Days till due date: 133
Days pregnant: 147
Baby size: Carrot, about 10.5-11 inches long and 3/4 of a pound.
Symptoms: Tired the last two weeks, more than normal
Annoying thing: Feet get tired standing...must be the extra weight!
Day's till next doctors appointment: 11
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