This last week I decided I needed a goal for my working out. As you can tell, a person needs some sort of motivation, when it seems that no matter what you do...there isn't an "obvious" benefit". Let me also say, that I work out because I ENJOY it, not because of any other reason. The health benefit is nice, but I LOVE to workout. Yes, like everyone there are days where I do not want to workout...but those are very few. Anyway, back to the goal. This last week, since I was 22 weeks pregnant, I decided to run 22 miles. Not all at once! 22 miles use to seem like a small amount. At most that was 3 workouts in a slower week. Now it seemed like a big goal! I ran every day to reach this goal:
Friday 3 miles on the treadmill (not minding the tred because the bathroom is right by!)
Saturday 4 outside
Sunday 3 treadmill
Monday 5.15 outside
Tuesday 1.5 with Stella
Tuesday 1.5 with Polar
Weds 3 treadmill
Thursday 1.5 on the treadmill
TOTAL: 22.65 miles
This will probably be the most I will run for the rest of my pregnancy, but it was fun to do this week. I also lifted 3 days and did the elliptical twice.
This week I also had my 4 week checkup. I got to the doctors office a few minutes early and they got me in the room right away. It was a different nurse (I have seen a different nurse and different doctor each visit). This nurse, like the others, went on and on about how great it was that I workout and how my blood pressure and heart rate are low. How it will be so great for labor, for me and the baby (hmm..remind me of that then!). How it will be so much easier to get back into shape and how she wishes she could tell everyone that this is what they should be doing. That is all nice to hear, because working out is harder each week! Then she said the doctor would be right in...tick tock...tick tock...15 minutes later no doctor. The nurse comes back in and says the doctor I am there to see is in delivery right now, so depending on how long the delivery takes, will depend on if I see him or someone else. I told her I would see anyone. 10 more minutes pass and the doctor arrives. He comes in and says "Have we met?" I said "no". He told me his name and was reading mine out of the thing, so I said "I'm..." and he interrupts and says "Pregnant." Alrighty then...I can tell what type of doctor he is. He is one of those guys on Patch Adams, that describes their patients by their current status "sick, pregnant, blah blah". He immediately had me lay down...took out the tape measure, measured me, said that is good (no idea what it was), quickly grabbed the doppler, tells me heart rate sounds good (I saw the machine say 154)...then asks if I have any questions. I say no. Then he tells me to schedule in 4 weeks and that after that I will be on every two weeks appointments. Then he leaves. I think my total appointment time was less than 2 minutes. I don't want him to be my doctor, but that will probably mean it will be him.
Then today I had to meet with the GM of the gym and my "boss". I was asked about 10 times if I am capable of running. I explained that I was just upstairs running and I have run everyday this week, so yes, I am able to run. Then the GM says, well at some point you will stop...when will that be? I said, I have no intention of not being able to run. Will that mean I can run up until my delivery date? Maybe? Or maybe in a week, I will feel too uncomfortable? Who knows...I didn't tell him that part, but I don't intend to stop running unless I have to, or it is really painful. He then asked me, what my doctor thinks about me running. I told him they all think it is great and as long as I don't have any problems and I am measuring correctly that they are more than happy with it. He seemed very surprised, as did my "boss". They then asked if I am able to do my job in my condition (run and do a information table at the gym once a month, and post on a website once a week). Again with the "condition" is really annoying. Anyway, I'm not sure it is appropriate to be asking this type of question to someone in the workplace...
Everything else has been going good. We registered for a few things, but will need some help with the rest of the registry items.
Here I am at 23 weeks, not looking too much bigger:
But compare to 17 weeks:
Random Facts:
Days left till due date: 119
Days pregnant:161
Weight gained: 19lbs
Baby size: 11.5 inches, 1.1 lbs (weight is similar to a large mango)
Baby moves: I feel her move mostly when I am in bed at night or in the morning. Not many movements during the day.
Baby hears: Loud noises are now familiar, dogs barking or vacuum probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb
Baby: Now has a sense of balance and can feel you move
Days till next appointment and THIRD trimester! 27 days
3D ultrasound: coming soon! (need to schedule)
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