This week the only weird symptom I am having is that I am having a hard time sleeping. I am tired. Then I go to bed, fall asleep for about 4 hours and then I wake up, where I am wide awake, at about 6am. Now, we know I am NOT a morning person. So, I lay in bed and and kind of doze on and off until about 800, then I seem to fall back asleep, good sleep, until like 1030. I don't know what it is, but it reminds me of after I did my Ironman. I was super tired and would fall asleep and then wake up early and have a hard time sleeping. Maybe it is similar, because they say after an Ironman, your metabolism and hormones are all out of whack, which is the same as maybe that is the issue. I have read that it happens, a lot of time because people are stressed. But as we know, I am not a very stressed person (even with all the kicking, I completely forget that I am pregnant!).
My baby has been kicking me a lot on my left side. When you look at the pictures I appear really crooked, to where it looks like the baby is sitting on the left side. I think the combo with that and the placenta in the front has made for the left ONLY kicking. Last night, was the first time I have EVER felt her kick on my right side. It is probably because she is getting a lot bigger and so I can feel it there.
Workouts this week have been going fine. Nothing exciting. I read this one girls post, that is a runner and is pregnant, she said the same exact thing that I have said: Running pregnant feels like you are running a marathon. By the time you finish a 4 mile run, it feels the same as if you had been out for a 20 mile run. My legs are more tired and it seems a lot longer! That is probably because after 10 minutes I have to go pee and generally, I have to wait until I get back so that I can I am counting down the miles! The only other weird thing I have had happen running is that my right foot has gone numb a few times. My shoes are not tied to tight, as I don't tie them very tight at all...and when I stop running, it comes right back. It is really annoying!
Other symptoms this week: I have had ALMOST cramping in my calves at night when I am sleeping...I stretch and feel it about to cramp and I have to quickly pull my foot back before it happens. Thankfully, I haven't had a calf cramp yet! (knock on wood). And my tailbone hurts by the end of the day, I find I have to sit more on my butt, and not lean back or it will definitely hurt!
On a separate note, yesterday Pedro had to have two teeth pulled and a cavity filled, all on one part of his mouth. Oddly, for being such a wimp about going to get it done, he hasn't complained at all! So, I guess it feels better now that the teeth are out that were causing him so much pain. Now it is just a pain to our bank account.
Our registries are pretty much done (Target and Babies 'R Us) and we will be planning my baby shower sometime soon.
Two more weeks until the 3rd Trimester! I can't believe how quickly time has flown by!
Random facts:
Days till due date: 106 (likely to be the last post in the 100's!!)
Days pregnant: 174
Size of baby: 13.5 inches long (body/weight size of a rutabaga)
Weight of baby: 1.5lbs
Development: By weeks end, air sacs will have developed in the lungs
Odd development: Baby's nostrils have been plugged up until now, are starting to open
Days till doctors appt and 3rd trimester: 14 days