I believe Zuri is a master manipulator at her old age of 14 weeks (yes, not 13). For the past few weeks Zuri went from being an AMAZING sleeper with a Dragon day personality, to a HORRIBLE sleeper with a pretty decent day personality. I have been trying to get her to take naps about every two hours, if I catch her in time she goes down without any problem. The new problems have been the night time and then she decided she didn't want her pacifier. Of course pacifiers are not my favorite item, however, they were allowing me to put her down drowsy and keep her down. But with the hating of the pacifier also came, any and all, denial of going to sleep without me.
Yesterday my mom found a different type of pacifier that Zuri seemed to take, I was thinking this would be very helpful! I put her to bed and she woke up 45 minutes later. Just as I was falling asleep. I had Pedro go in and try to give her the pacifier, she started SCREAMING. After a few minutes I came in and she wanted to nurse back to sleep. She slept for about an hour and a half the next time and I tried to give her the paci and she screamed so again I gave in and nursed her back to sleep. This continued ALL night and has been similar on MOST nights for the past (nearly) 3 weeks. My doctor and everything that I have read says that about 4 months they know the difference and you can try "sleep training".
Today I decided that I would call the doctor to make sure that there isn't anything WRONG with her. Not just because of the sleeping, but because of the dramatic change in behavior, plus massive drooling and her snotty nose (going on 7 weeks of a snotty nose). Mainly because I will be traveling to CA with her for the weekend for work (I am so sorry to all passengers on our flight). The nurse decided we should come in and just make sure she doesn't have an ear infection or sinus infection before flying. I talked to the doctor and she said that Zuri is snotty, but that it seems like some babies are snotty like this and to try a humidifier. No earache. But she said that her change in behavior is probably a combination of starting to teethe (which can show symptoms for weeks/months before teeth erupt) and her personality. That is all I needed to hear to know that I need to start her sleep training NOW. If there is nothing wrong with her than she is just really manipulating me.
I know it will be very hard. Not necessarily hard hearing her cry, since she has cried a lot throughout her life. But hard because I will want to give in when I am tired. I am just hoping that my stubborness is more than hers! Which may or may not be the case since she has both of her parents genes, getting the combination of Pedro and I could be scary!
Today for her nap, I fed her and she was asleep when I laid her down. She woke up 40 minutes later screaming. I went in and unswaddled her and tried to give her the paci. She refused and screamed more. I left. 10 minutes later I returned, I tried to give her the paci and hold her hand for about 1 min and she kept screaming so I left again. When I left the room I went to the computer room and put the music on so I couldn't hear her scream. This went on for over 2 hours. She ended up falling asleep on one of the times I came in and gave her the pacifier. She ended up sleeping for about 2 hours and 15 minutes after all was said and done. I am just hoping that I can maintain and follow through during the night, when things are more difficult to do.
Hopefully, my next post will be about my amazing night sleep!
Zuri weighed 12lbs 6oz (naked).

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