I can't believe Zuri is 3 months old! In both respects, I feel like she has been here FOREVER and I feel like she can't be 3 months old yet!
How have things been going??...
That is a difficult answer.
We had some sleep regression. What caused it? Who knows. We were going along, somewhat merrily at night...then BAM! We had wake ups nearly every 1.5 hours, seriously. Now when I say "we" I am usually referring to Zuri and I, just in case you were wondering. It was HORRIBLE. I was so tired. Having about 4 hours of sleep spread out over about 9 hours, is miserable.
Then I bought her some Gripe water. I wasn't actually looking for it, but instead I was looking for something, anything that might make her feel better so she would sleep better. Does it work? It seems like it? But who knows what each day will bring. We also tried a chiropractic appointment today to help. We shall see. She is still very snotty. She has been since the end of February. I am wondering if she is allergic to something.
Anyway, let me tell you how our day went today.
We got up at 2:00am to eat. 6:00am to eat. Followed by a wakeup for the day at 8:00am. We got up and I unswaddled her and she played in her crib for about 40 minutes. I then dressed her and we watched tv for a few minutes, she ate some and then we played for a little more. At about 9:15 she was getting slow moving. So, I swaddled her back up and she went back to sleep at about 9:40. I then laid down for a short nap! She woke up at 10:20, her usual 40 minute wake up. I have read that babies wake up after 40 minutes and need to learn to go back to sleep. At this point she was WIDE awake. I picked her up and rocked her (I know rocking is bad, but no nap is worse at this point), she fell back asleep and slept until 12:15.
We played for a bit more, had another snack and then we were excited for our first gym visit! I had called to reserve a spot at 12:30, but the next available time was 1:30. Having an infant that takes variable length of naps, makes scheduling ahead a pain, especially since her happy awake time is very small. We got ready for the gym, this time Pedro is part of the "we". We headed to the gym at 1:15. While driving there she starts rubbing her eyes. Not a good sign at all. I was getting a little worried because that is one of her first tired signs. At the gym after we got her into the infant room, I told the lady that she was a "holding" baby and that she doesn't play too much on her own right now. She was already getting crabby. NOT GOOD.
Pedro and I headed upstairs, me with my fingers crossed. I worked out for about 20 minutes and I got the page to come and get my screaming baby. Not good. I went downstairs and she was wailing. I picked her up, which eased the crying and walked her around and she stopped. But I knew that bringing her back in would not be successful. So, I told Pedro that Zuri and I would go for a walk to REI. We left and she was asleep on our walk (which is about a block away). Sadly, we had a chiropractic appointment for her at 3:00 and she was asleep already. UGH!
We got back in the car and she woke up. We drove to the chiropractor. He talked and talked and then worked on Pedro then Zuri. At this point Zuri was screaming because she was so tired. We got home at 3:40 and I had her asleep by 3:45. She then slept until 6:45. She got up and was happy. We went for a walk and then decided to sit down on the sofa and see how she was feeling, since dinner was almost ready at 8:00. At this point she got fussy. So, back upstairs and swaddled and fed, she was asleep by 8:40.
That has been our day. Which is very similar to yesterday.
Easter went well, she slept through church and was just ok while we were eating. She wanted to be walked around a bit, but she wasn't screaming. She was super cute in her outfit. I had stayed at my moms the night before since Pedro is working nights and she was not sleeping and so my mom helped me with a 2:00am feeding and I got to get some sleep, which was very exciting.
(I weighed her at the gym and she was 12lbs 8oz, minus clothes so about 12lbs 5oz so up about 1lb in two weeks).
Here are some pictures of the week:

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