Today was an exceptionally long day. Zuri decided to start our day at 6am. Yes, 6am. Followed by a nap from 8-945. Then I got her ready for the day and we went for a run on the south platte trail. It took quite some time for me to get her ready, including trying to get her to eat. So, by the time we got there it had been an 1.5 hours of awake time. Which meant that she slept the entire run (not long only 45 minutes). I don't usually want her napping during a run, if she is suppose to have a nap time soon. After the run we sat by the lake and watched some people fish and enjoyed the afternoon. Then she had a little snack and we went home.
Not one of our cutest pictures!
When we got home it was time for her next nap. She did her usual 45 min nap and then woke up. I got her back asleep, only for her to wake up a few minutes later. This time I let her cry, while I was getting ready to surprise Pedro in Fort Morgan. She quickly fell asleep again and I finished getting ready. I had to wake her up (which she does not enjoy) and get her dressed for Pedro's award ceremony. I didn't want Pedro to know we were coming so I blocked the camera in her room, in case he was watching and would see me in normal clothes!
We then drove to Fort Morgan and made it just before the meeting started! Pedro was VERY surprised to see us!
He was given a letter of commendation from the Chief of Police for a case where he chased and caught some burglars that had stolen goods from a school. One of the things mentioned was his outstanding teamwork. Of course that is something we both love!
Now we are home and I bathed her and got her into her pajamas and Pedro is feeding her a bottle for bed.
Hopefully, she will sleep a little later tomorrow! Or I might just have to make Pedro get up with her!
1 comment:
Beautiful family, I love the picture MUA for my Zurianna
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