We have an unwanted first milestone. Zuri is going to have a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy next Monday, October 28th. It will be her first and hopefully last surgery she will have to experience. How did this come about?
Zuri has been sick a lot. The first photo is when the doctors swore she had strep and scarlet fever. She had a very high fever and a terrible rash with ginormous gross tonsils. The second photo was just a cold as far, as far as I know. I don't go to the doctor unless it is really terrible. Zuri has had at least 3 cases of tonsillitis in the last year (Oct-Oct), including one last month. I say at least 3, because she has been sick a lot but I only bring her in when she is really bad and if it has been days without any improvement at all.
She also breathes very heavy. She breathes almost like she has just been out for a run. I always knew this and I thought it was odd, but figured it was just the way she breathed. I never really thought about it. I have had people ask me, but what could I do to help?
Well that answer came. I brought her to an ENT (ear nose and throat doctor). I decided to make an appointment just to have her checked out. My PCP never even mentioned anything about going, but I started thinking that the tonsillitis, every time we have gone, we have seen a different doctor. So, it hasn't been consistent. Then her breathing, I never mentioned it to the doctor because I didn't think anything of it. Besides I was usually dealing with a crying kid every time we walked into the actual room at the office so it wasn't forefront in my mind. I decided we would at least have her checked and I was hoping that it was nothing, just a sick kid from gym daycare and a loud breather (like her dad!).
We brought her in and surprisingly got her in the room without any hysterics. It is a pediatric ENT and they had some fun things to play with and Zuri got to work playing. When the doctor came in he talked to me and got Zuri's history, all the while Zuri was playing. Then he stopped and asked me if she always breathes like she was. I told him that, yes, that was one reason I brought her in. He said that it could be a sign of her adenoids blocking her airway.
We got her in the chair and I pinned her down and he checked her ears. He spent more time in one ear and said that there "might be some fluid buildup in the ear." Then he looked in her nose and said it was wide open and clear. There was nothing blocking her nasal passage, but she wasn't breathing through her nose. He said that the likely cause was adenoids blocking her nasal passage. Then he checked her throat. She isn't sick right now, but her tonsils were still large. He said that she definitely has big tonsils and with having big tonsils and three cases of tonsillitis that have been diagnosed (probably more cases since I don't go to the doctor), he said that she would, at some point need those out.
He gave me the option of trying a steroid nasal spray to try and shrink the adenoids. He said he wasn't too sure it would help her as much as she needed, plus it would be a short term fix, as you don't put a kid on steroids for a long time. Then he said her tonsils with the tonsillitis and the large tonsils, plus all the sickness' she has had, he suggested that we should have them out now. He said he could do a sleep study but he was pretty sure she had some amount of sleep apnea because of the breathing difficulty (combo of tonsils and adenoids), so he said we didn't need to do one, because she has all of the other classic symptoms. He also was going to do a hearing test, but the audiologist was out of the office. He said that if we do surgery that he would check her ear. If it did have fluid (he put the chances at about 20%), they would put in ear tubes to drain it.
We choose to have the surgery done because he said it would drastically improve her quality of life. When they are young like this there are upsides and downsides. The downside is that I won't be able to explain to her what is going to happen. I also won't be able to negotiate with her and have her understand that if she takes the medicine after she will feel better. The upsides are that it should improve her breathing drastically. It should help her with her amount of times being sick. Less sore throats. If her hearing is being impeded by the fluid, they said it could really help her a lot with language (she knows a lot of words, just doesn't say them a lot, so I don't know if this is an issue). They also have you stay overnight for at least one day to make sure she is drinking (and hopefully eating). The hospital stay can last up to three days depending on how well she is doing. The other upside is that she probably will not remember doing it and hopefully recover quicker.
I feel really bad because she has no idea what is about to happen. Of course I worry about anesthesia, not just because she is young, but because that always has risks. I am selfishly worried about the amount of effort this is going to take to take care of her. She is very stubborn and very "sensitive" to pain (teeth, sore throats etc..) and Pedro is not much help at all, especially when Zuri is upset. Although she usually won't go to him at that point anyway...but still, it could be a difficult few weeks.
I'm hoping she is well enough after to be distracted and be able to go trick or treating with her cousins (Grey and Ashby). But right now I have no idea. I have a lot of things that I need to figure out by talking to the hospital. I need to know things like, is there a crib that she will sleep in? Is it a regular type of crib or one that she could easily fall out of? What are the seating/sleeping arrangements for me, as I figure I will be holding her most of the time. What kind of pajamas does she need? Will she wear pajamas? What else should I bring for her? I have no idea!
This has been my first real tough decision to make as a parent. I am hoping that I am doing what is best and right for her, to help her be healthier and happier.
I am really hoping and praying for the best!
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