We are now officially full term. If we were to have our baby now, most likely everything would be developed well and our baby would no longer be considered a "pre-term" baby. Thursday I had my weekly visit. Everything is still looking pretty good. I gained more weight, again. And my doctor told me that at this point in pregnancy she doesn't usually measure my stomach because the baby has changed position and it can affect the measurement, she did measure anyway and I measured 35/36 weeks. The baby's head is down, this time she didn't mention if it was "far" down or not, but I don't think it is much further down then where it was last week. The one improvement was that I have effaced (thinned out) to some extent. More than last week, not a lot. I am not dilated at all. She said if she was to guess, I would be going a few more weeks.
Our house is now officially clean. Very clean. Now, all we need is the baby!
Things I have learned in pregnancy, so far:
1. People make weird/rude comments: From early in pregnancy "Are you fat or pregnant?" And now asking "Are you only having one baby?"
2. Who knew that your thighs got bigger?? I mean hips are supposed to get wider...but your thighs? No, it is not because I am sitting down eating a jar of nutella (although, that does sound good!). Maybe some of it is muscle since it is like I am working out with a weight vest on, while I do stairmaster, run and lunges (still holding the same weight) lol, I can only hope!
3. I never thought I would "outgrow" my "big" clothes/tops. I for sure thought that some of my bigger t-shirts, longsleeves and workouts shirts would last me through everything. I have for sure outgrown almost all of my clothes and have had to turn to some of Pedro's workout shirts.
4. I thought running 20 miles was difficult. Running pregnant is way more difficult. Feeling like I need to go pee for almost the entire run, is definitely not pleasant. As I have gone along and gained weight, my feet also get tired and want to cramp some. Not enough to stop, maybe that is because the pee problem has made me have to stop a few times already.
5. Early pregnancy, when I assume my gait had changed some because I wasn't "using" my abs as much, I was getting a sharp pain in my butt. Now that I am later in pregnancy, after I run (and sometimes just because), my "tail" hurts. I know this is loosening of the ligaments, but my tail can really catch me off guard!
6. No matter how much you workout, you will gain whatever you are going to gain. I do not eat that much. For instance a usual day is this: Oatmeal for breakfast with milk to drink. An egg sandwich for lunch, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And for dinner whatever I make (which is usually pretty decent), usually gets eaten mostly by Pedro. Today was broccoli cheese and potato soup (not a full fat version). Some days I only get two meals in because I am out and about doing stuff.
7. I have many (or better yet, most) days that I do not even know that I am pregnant. I would have definitely thought that I would "feel" pregnant, especially at 37 weeks. I only notice how pregnant I am, when my "tail" hurts or I have to get off the sofa (or out of the car)! I also have a hard time tying my shoes and putting pants on, it reminds me of having a back injury where you can't bend over. I am not sure when I made this change over to having these problems, but I think it has been more recent.
8. I don't have problems sleeping at night, however, I do have a problem sleeping because I wake up feeling like I have to go pee. So, it's not because I am uncomfortable (since I don't notice being very large), but because I have to go to the bathroom (one night last week I got up 6 times!).
9. I worried about having a lot of symptoms. I haven't really had any (knock on wood). I haven't had any real cravings or aversions. I have had some heartburn, but not long lasting. I haven't had braxton hicks (yet), I have had some cramping. I am not a moody person in general, so that hasn't been a problem. Tired? Well, that is a difficult one because I am tired, but I am generally tired (in the past because of the hours spent working out). I have had some mid back pain (is this a pregnancy symptom? I assume since I have never had it before).
10. I still have a hard time believing there is a baby in there. Yes, she kicks me and tells me, but it kind of reminds me of when you have a muscle twitching. I mean I know there is a baby in there, but I really do have a hard time believing it!
11. Everyone said that time would go so slowly near the end. I swear it has been going faster and faster!
12. I thought I would be ready to have a baby. But as it get's closer, I am not sure that this is the case! Am I ready to have someone else control my schedule? Lack of sleep? No more long showers? No more scheduling my work whenever I feel like it? I know, I know. Everyone says that once you have her that they wouldn't trade having her for anything else. But until I have her, I am trying to be as selfish as possible and take advantage of all my "me" time (plus Stella, Polar time and Pedro too)!
13. I am usually a night person. I generally really enjoy evening workouts and doing stuff then. However, at this point, when I have waited that long to go to the gym, I am tired and wish I would have gone earlier in the day. So, this is a big change for me, I don't want to go real early, but mid morning would be a much better idea. I still go, but motivation is a bit less.
14. I never knew people would really think it is weird that I am working out everyday while pregnant. I never really thought about it before, but when I see a pregnant person working out, I didn't think that they should be "resting". But apparently that is a very common thought process. Working out does take a different mental attitude, since you are working out everyday and things get harder, slower and you get heavier. Which is probably the only time in your life that you will feel like this, but I can't imagine not doing it. I think it will make working out and seeing benefits that much more fun! Although, I workout because I enjoy working out and I miss it if I miss a day, but I have probably worked out in some form or another since I was in 3rd or 4th grade.
Belly pictures:

Ok, so I wasn't thinking I was looking that much bigger until I saw THIS!

Random facts:
Days till due date: 22!!
Days pregnant: 258!
Development: Full term, all functions should be working now, although she is still growing and gaining weight
Size: 20 inches and about 6.5lbs (still gaining about .5 lbs a week)
Movement: Should slow down some because there is less room, however she is moving A LOT it seems, maybe more wiggles and stretching.