Saturday, December 3, 2011

34 weeks...

I know, I keep saying it. Time is FLYING by! I can't believe that our due date is now 41 days away! I had my two week checkup this week and everything is looking good. I only gained 1 lb during these two weeks, which is one of the first times since the second trimester that I haven't gained a pound in a week. Trust me, I am not complaining! Funny thing is that I still don't think that I have gotten any bigger! This week that was a little true, because I measured 33 weeks instead of 34 weeks. Still normal, but as I keep saying, sometimes you are ahead and sometimes you are behind. However, when I look at my picture it reminds me of the one I took in Florida, where I look extra big. I think I look wider this week, which again makes sense since she seems to either lay sideways or diagonal, with one foot on my hip and the other in the opposite rib.

This week I have been tired. More tired than usual. By the time the evening comes I want nothing more than to take a nap. However, that is about the time that I have lessons, practice or my workouts. I really need to get the workouts done earlier in the day when my energy levels are higher and so is motivation! I decided to take a class at the gym this week. It was pretty funny. I choose a class that has a lot of unstable movements. One of our first things in the class was to do medicine ball tosses between the legs to a partner that then passed the ball over their head. Super easy if you are not pregnant. But, I had to do all squats when I passed the ball, instead of a combo bend/squat. Then we did a lot of stuff on a bosu and I even did chest press on a ball, where you have to hold your core up. It wasn't difficult at all! I was also using weights heavier than everyone in the class, they probably thought I was crazy! My doctor told me that I should just wear a note that says "Yes, my doctor has said this is fine for me to do." I probably look the most crazy when I am running on the treadmill! Or when I am spotting Pedro, which apparently freaks people out.

Today we took some maternity photos. My mom was appalled and claimed that they were "naked" photos. I was fully clothed minus showing the stomach. Not sure how that makes me naked? She asked if I would be showing people my "naked stomach"...totally hilarious! Here is one of our pictures of just me, so if you are worried, you might want to close your eyes now!

We have many more photos, so I will post a few more later!

Here is this weeks belly:

Random info:
Days till due date: 41!!
Days pregnant: 239
Weight gained: 31 lbs!
Baby size: about 5 lbs and 20 inches long
Strange fact: Waxy coating on baby is getting thicker this week
Baby development: fingernails have reached the tips of her fingers
Days till next doctors appointment: 12

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