This last week I have been a little nauseas. Not all day, but on and off. I have also been really tired this week. Luckily, there isn't too much to do, in regards to being having our home ready for the baby. This week I had a really good run of about 45 minutes on the treadmill, thanks to having a person talking to me the whole time, I only walked once or twice for a few seconds, but I barely noticed having to go pee the whole time because we were talking. That was definitely the highlight of my workouts for the week. I have worked out everyday and done about 45 minutes of stairmaster, or stairs/ellip/run combo. And lifted a few times this week too.
My days and weeks are going through the motions until we actually have our girl! My bag is "kind of packed", as in I have her clothes in it, a blanket for her in it, and socks for me and some shorts. I still have more to put in it, but again, I feel like it could be a long time still.
My doctors appointment this week had some different things. First of all I lost about 3 pounds this week. Maybe it is being nauseas, or something, but I have still been eating the same and doing the same workouts. My scale at home had me down 5 pounds, then I ate breakfast and drank some water and was down the 3 at the office. The doctor said that it could just be fluid differences, or just losing some weight before I have her. This week I was also 80% effaced, with no dilation. Apparently, generally with your first baby you efface first, then dilate (opposite usually happens with second child). However, I am still convinced that doing those types of checkups really serve no purpose as I could be 100% effaced for weeks and have no progression or just the opposite could happen. I guess time will only tell. However, with the nausea, weight loss and tiredness, maybe it is a sign that labor is right around the corner. I also think I have had a few braxton hicks contractions. I am not sure. I haven't had any this whole time, but this week I have had a few times where my whole stomach has gotten hard, it doesn't hurt and I wouldn't have noticed it, except I bent over and was very uncomfortable. But it also feels like the baby could have just been moving and sticking up at that moment too. She has definitely been moving quite a bit this week. Last night she was up and moving so much that I was dreaming about her moving and in my dream I thought I could see her feet through my stomach!
That's about it for week 38. Onward to week 39 and a New Year!
Belly Pictures:
Random info:
Days till due date: 14!!!!
Days pregnant: 266!!!
Scary: Uterus pre-pregnancy weighs 2 ounces, now weighs 2.5 pounds!
Development: Baby is still growing and is now between 7-8 pounds and 20 inches long. More surfactant is being made and she is also putting on fat.
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