Monday, May 5, 2008

Nice :)

Today's workout:
4 hour bike LB (74.5miles) avg hr 151

Very nice out today. Went out biking on frontage road past Johnstown and the Johnsons corner restaurant. Was averaging over 20mph on my way out and had to slow on my return because my hr was higher. Not exactly sure what caused the increase but it could be more hills on return, a bit more wind..needed more calories or need to get in better shape..??
Today I brought limeaide with me on the was soo good while I was out. It is really strong when you are drinking water a lot and then you have a sip of it...yum :)
I think if I actually worked I would have had to take today off since it was one of the first real nice biking days of the season!

After that I had pt..I literally got home ate, showered and went to pt. I got there and was informed that I was going to do leg exercises before the massage and ionto..made me laugh a bit since I just had a long bike and didn't think it would work out so well to do leg exercises at that point. Then I had lessons and more food. Now time for bed!

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