Saturday, March 8, 2008


Nice to have no basketball for the first time in months. I had lessons this morning and then I had 65 min of moderate running...well elliptical. However, today I added 5 minutes of real running at about the half way point. Everything is starting to taper so this is shorter than what it was. So, it is pretty easy, but the elliptical sucks.

I had wanted to go buy my bike box, but it is already almost 3oo and I need to go to the store to buy some food for dinner. Which is going to be tortellini served in an acorn the whole meal would be edible. Problem is the recipe calls for cream and so I am searching for a substitute before I go buy the ingredients.

Then I have to go swim, a relative short swim of 2,500 yds. And of course I am hoping to get a nap in before I go swim :)

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